What If???

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Alex - So I've been wondering

Alex - What if we were named something else

Luke - Wait hold on I'm sorry what?

Reggie - Alex what the heck goes on in your head

Alex - What if I wasn't named Alex what if I was named Franklin!!!

Luke - Okay where did Franklin come from

Reggie - Like the turtle??

Alex - No not like the turtle Reggie

Alex - But you guys this is actually freaking me out a bit

Reggie - Why can't it be the turtle

Reggie - I like turtles

Julie - Reggie you did not just say that

Julie - It's so old!!!

Reggie - But I just saw it yesterday so it's new to me

Julie - ....

Reggie - Ha!! Beat that logic

Luke - You can't really beat that logic

Alex - Nope you really can't

Flynn - How about the fact that's it so old that people don't even really use it anymore

Carrie - Like oh my god. It's just so bad that you're even saying it

Luke - What's wrong with saying I Like Turtles

Reggie - You guys are getting of topic!!!

Reggie - I wanted to talk about how we could've been named different things

Alex - What could I have been

Reggie - What if you were named Elliot or Isaac. Oh my god I can't think of a single word for you that doesn't start with A, E, I, O, or I

Julie - So vowels???

Reggie - Yes those

Luke - Haha Reggie couldn't remember what vowels were

Reggie - Shut up Stanley

Julie - But that doesn't fit him like at all

Reggie - I know but I just wanted to call him Stanley

Carrie - 😂😂

Flynn -

Reggie - Oh my god it's Flat Stanley!!!

Flynn - You guys know what Flat Stanley is??

Alex - How do you know what Flat Stanley is

Flynn - It came out in like the 2010's I think

Alex - Um nope

Carrie - Don't um nope her

Alex - But she's wrong

Julie - She isn't wrong

Alex - Flat Stanley came out in 1984

Reggie - I'm with Alex

Luke - Same. I got the book when it first came out

Julie - What?? You actually read

Luke - Nope. My mom read them to me

Flynn - Where's your proof

Alex - Hang on

Alex -

Flynn - Wait so I was wrong

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Flynn - Wait so I was wrong

Flynn - This has never happened before

Flynn - I don't know what to do

Carrie - Breathe. Just breathe. I'm gonna vibe

Carrie - *sways back and forth as happy good luck music plays in the back*

Reggie - Lol 😂

Alex - Well once again Reggie you need to be sleeping

Reggie - What why??

Luke - Because you're a lifer now

Luke - Lifers need sleep

Reggie - Fine I see how it is

*Reggie left*

Alex - Um...okay

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