Reggie and Abbreviations

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Julie - Okay text me back when you get this

Luke - Got it

Alex - Yup

Flynn - Where's Reggie??

Reggie - Sup just out rn ily ttyl

Luke - What just happened

Alex - Can someone translate

Julie - He said What's up I'm out right now I love you talk to you later

Alex - Well then why would he say it like that

Reggie - Idk ig it's just fun

Flynn - I don't know I guess it's just fun

Reggie - Omg srsly. Y ru doin that

Luke - Why are you doing that

Julie - Oh my god seriously. Why are you doing that

Reggie - Brb

Flynn - Be Right Back

Alex - I'm going to kill him

Julie - I think that Flynn taught Reggie abbreviations

Luke - Why would you do that??

Flynn - I am a queen and I slay. I can do whatever I want


Luke - For the love of God Reggie please stop

Reggie - Wut????

Julie - What

Alex - Reggie is just that it's kind of annoying

Reggie - y?? U guys really just need to shut it

Luke - STOP

Reggie - Nope

Flynn - Reggie can talk however and text however he wants

Alex - Yeah Luke. Stop trying to change him

Luke - ALEX!!!

Alex - Sorry but I want to be on the winning side and that's not yours

Alex - Can I join you guys Reg

Reggie - Np. Btw Luke is being rude

Julie - No problem. By the way Luke is being weird

Alex - Ikr


Alex - No, and I had to look that one up

Luke - No don't take Alex from me

Reggie - Sorry sucka

Luke - I don't have anyone else

Julie - What about me!?!?!

Luke - Sorry Julie

Julie - If you're really sorry then use an abbreviation

Luke - But that goes against everything I stand for

Alex - Since when do you stand against abbreviations

Luke - Since 10 seconds ago

Julie - Use one or I swear to God...

Luke - Fine....

Luke - Lol

Reggie - YAY!!!!

Alex - LUKE USED ONE!!!!

Flynn - We are so proud of you!!!

Julie - Eh

Luke - What do you mean eh

Julie - You only did it because I was mad at you

Luke - Sorry

Julie - Forgiven

Reggie - Abbreviations RULE

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