New Years

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You guys asked for this so I decided to write it. Even if it is a little later than I would want it to be.

Guess I'm deciding not to end this story after all.

Luke - So 2020 is over...woah

Reggie - I know right!!! It seems like just yesterday it was 1995

Alex - I don't want to think about that

Julie - Well all I know is that the year that sucks is over and 2021 I still have hope for

Luke - I don't think 2020 sucked to be honest. I think that a lot of bad things happened, but a lot of good things happened too.

Reggie - Luke's right!

Alex - Yeah I mean I guess I could see that. We came back and Julie and the Phantoms was born

Julie - I refound my love of music

Luke - I watched my mom finally find peace with my death

Reggie - I got with Alex!!!!

Julie - Our band played the Orpheum

Luke - Oh yeah we did

Julie - Did you forget 😂😂

Luke - For a minute there I actually did

Luke - But another thing is that Julie and I got together

Julie - 🤭🤭🤭🤭

Alex - Someone's blushing 😂😂

Reggie - Ooh I have something else to add to the growing list

Julie - Go ahead

Reggie - When Luke almost died again because your dad scared him so bad

Luke - Wait how did you know that!!!

Reggie - Ray and I are best buds he sent them to me 😝

Alex - 😂🤭

Julie - Oh I have another one too!!

Julie - Reggie is a Molina now

Reggie - Oh yeah I am 😂

Luke - How did you forget that 😂

Reggie - How did you forget we played the freaking Orpheum

Luke - Fair point. Well played

Alex - Everyone's forgetting something

Alex - When Reggie got so drunk at that party that he started trying to twerk

Reggie - 🤫🤫🤫🤫

Luke - Reggie what the heck is that

Reggie - It's an emoji

Reggie - And you say I'm stupid

Alex - What about when Reggie found out abbreviations existed

Julie - 🤦🤦🤦🤦

Julie - That was Flynn's fault

Luke - But you guys see what I'm talking about now???

Luke - Even though there was a lot of bad things this year there were also a lot of good things that came with it.

Julie and the Phantoms textsWhere stories live. Discover now