"I-what? SAM, how could you?"

"Mina," Solana said in greeting, pulling her into a tight hug.

"Aster," she said more softly in her ear. "I'm glad you're safe."

"Solana," Shepard replied stepping back from the hung. "Long time no see."

"How long are you planning on being on the Citadel?" Solana asked.

"I'm not sure yet," Shepard replied. "I got landed."

"Do you have a place to stay?" She asked concerned.

"Just planning on renting a room," Shepard replied almost embarrassed.

"No," Solana said firmly. "I have an empty bed you can take."

"Give me that," Solana continued as she grabbed Shepard's bag from her hands. "No friend of mine will rent a room. I have an empty bed you can take and stay as long as you need to."

"Alright," Shepard said, unable to resists. "Lead the way."

"See, that wasn't so bad," SAM commented as Shepard followed Solana to the transport. "You two get along just fine."

"It's not fair on her," Shepard said, still angry.

"Here I'll show you how good of a friend she is."

While the transport took them to their destination, Shepard sat in silence as SAM showed her the multiple conversations that took part between Solana and SAM behind Shepard's back. By the time they arrived at their destination, Shepard definitely considered Solana to be her best friend. Solana had been nothing but supportive of Shepard's decision to leave and get surgery. They even talked about boys and other things women talked about; something Shepard wouldn't normally do.

"How was the trip?" Solana asked breaking the silence.

"Not bad," She replied. "I didn't realize so many people traveled so early in the morning."

"Yeah, usually the transports are empty but it's the turian new year coming up soon," she replied as the transport passed into the turian living quarters on the Citadel. "Since the turians are part of the Council, the Citadel throughs a huge event to celebrate. They do the same with the Salarians and Asari."

"I had forgotten about that," Shepard said, she remembered seeing a commercial on Junhix about it. "It's about a week from today."

"Yes," Solana replied excitedly. "The clinic I work at is giving us the week off to celebrate...and since you're here I figured we can celebrate together."

"I'm not much for tradition," Shepard said. "Humans are turians are still a bit unfamiliar..."

"The Citadel has changed," Solana explained. "I've seen a lot more intimate relationships between the two...and...you are part turian...with those implants..."

"Yeah, you're right," Shepard replied, smiling. "I think I can manage a celebration or two."

"Great!" Solana said almost jumping up from her seat. "We can do so much."

"I can't wait," Shepard said truthfully. "I can use the distraction."

"We're here," Solana said as the transport made a stop in front of a fancy-looking building. "Come one."

Shepard grabbed her bag and followed Solana out of the transport and into the building. There was an asari manning the front desk and greeted them as they entered.

"We're on the third floor," Solana commented leading the way to the elevator. "My brother kept on saying I needed better security so I had him install a new monitoring system. State of the art as he likes to call it."

"If your brother knows anything about tech security," Shepard said, "I'm sure it's the best security there is."

Solana opened the door to her apartment and headed straight to what Shepard assumed was a spare bedroom.

"This room is yours," she said opening the door. "My brother left some stuff here but you're more than welcome to get it out of the way."

"I'll be in the kitchen getting some snacks," Solana said, not lingering around.

Shepard entered the room and saw a medium-sized turian bed, closet to one side, and a tech table full of spare parts. Solana's brother was obviously into tech. Shepard unpacked her things and put them in the closet before heading to the kitchen.

On her way, Shepard saw three more doors before the area opened up to a living room and kitchen furnished with all an elegant turian style furniture.

"Your apartment looks nice," Shepard commented walking into the kitchen.

"Thanks," she replied bring over some turian chips and beer. "I moved in over a month ago. My mother helped me choose the style."

"How are you really feeling?" She asked looking at Shepard extremely concerned.

"Well a lot has happened," Shepard answered. "I don't want to involve you any more than you already are."

"Aster," Solana said, sternly. "We're friends, please I want to help."

Shepard gave her a long look and sighed heavily, "Fine but we're going to need more beers."

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