The manipulation

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Left off at Olivia saying they need to escape mwah let's keep going bae 💓

Y/N: are you crazy?
O: well they're not gonna let us just walk away?!
Y/N: that's literally the dumbest shit i've ever heard
O: Well i don't want to be here forever ? I have a life to get back to And so do you girl
Y/N: okay let's say we did try and escape, how would we even do it?
O: well you've always been the smart one i was hoping you would know
Y/N: girl this is mission impossible
O: well what do you want to do then? I can't just sit here and do nothing anymore while my life just wastes away.
Y/N: So you came to see me to tell me to break us out with no plan, no tactics and practically a DEATH WISH
O: lower your voice you can't let them hear you
Y/N: your deluded
O: you're brainwashed. listen to yourself. You've got Stockholm syndrome.
Y/N : oh my fucking god so now you're saying that i'm crazy
O: i never said that but there's a deep psychological meaning behind all of this and after everything that's happened with your dad-
Y/N: dont fucking go there
O: Just... think about it? Please
Y/N: give me a week
O: okay just remember that it's both of us at stake here
Y/N: i hate to admit it but you might have a point about the dad thing
O: might be something else to think about.
Guard: Times up. I've been ordered to make sure Miss Olivia gets back to her room.
Y/N: Stay safe bubs *gives her a hug*
O: I'll be locked up in my room if you need meee
Y/N: locked up?
Guard: it's just basic precautions
Y/N: No it's not. You're not going to lock her room ever again. You understand?
Guard: it's not your place to be giving me orders. You are nothing more than a hostage and a bitch.
V/H: *walks into the room* excuse you?
Guard: Good evening Mr hacker.
V/H: no i want to know why the hell i just came back to check in on y/n, and then find you insulting the only woman i've ever loved.
Guard: Sir, i apologise, i was under the impression that-
V/H: i never asked. speak to her again like that and i'll blow your head off. Cmon princess *gives y/n a kiss on the forehead and then they hold hands as they begin to walk out of the room*
Y/N: *stops and turns around* Bye Olivia *soft smile*
V/H: *turns around to face the guard* And don't lock her room.
*v/h and y/n leave*
V/H: are you okay love
Y/N: yeah but I missed you
V/H: i missed you more babygirl
Y/N: how was your night
V/H: good until i saw my staff insulting you
Y/N: it's fine baby i think i'm gonna go to sleep. you can go back to hanging out with ur friends
V/H: no baby i'm gonna go talk to the therapist because you need a session in the morning okay love and then we're gonna cuddle so go get dressed and get in bed okay *kisses her head*
*v/h goes into the therapist room and the door shuts behind him and y/n starts walking to her bedroom but then she decides she's hungry so she goes back to go and tell vinnie. She walks up to the door and just as she's about to knock, she can hear them talking about her*
V/H:she needs a session tomorrow at 10:30am
T/P: okay and what seems to be the problem?
V/H: she's just been through a lot. She's watched her dad die. Well she killed him. Her mums dead. She was almost raped. She was kidnapped. It all must be a lot for her.
T/P: Okay i can help her out with that. Anything else?
V/H: well i know this is a lot to ask for and probably goes against all your moral codes but i need you to help me out with something.
T/P: Yes of course what is it?
V/H: i need you to make sure she thinks she's free.
T/P: so you want me to make her think she has freedom and control over her own life
V/H: exactly. and make sure she thinks i'm amazing. and that she loves me. i can't risk her rebelling now. not when there's such huge things at stake
Y/N: *has been listening to the whole conversation through the door and starts bursting into tears and runs to Olivias room*
O: what's wrong?
Y/N: we're doing this. We're breaking out.

anyways what's it for today thankyu bae give me a follow 😙😙 and what do yall think is gonna happen next

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