Part 22 - [EDITED]

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A/N: We have now entered the Breaking Dawn plot but I will not be following the original plot. There will be no hybrid baby or Jake imprinting. I have my own plot to follow and things will be different. 

"I missed the sun," Leah said, closing her eyes and turning to face the sun. 

"I know, right?" Mia replied. Sunny days were rare in Forks and today was a surprise. They were currently on the reservation, in the backyard of Leah's house, enjoying the sun. 

Leah took a deep breath. Mia turned to her. "Something bothering you?"

"Yeah," she exhaled. "A year ago, I thought I would live every day like this,"

Mia furrowed her brows. 

"I got into a college down in California. I was supposed to go but... well, you know," Leah hummed.

 "Oh," Mia pouted. "I bet, yeah,"

That was right, Leah was older than her. So were Sam and Emily. 

Leah laid down on the grass. "I'm just glad we had one sunny day before summer ended,"

Summer was almost over now. It went by in a blur. There were no vampires or any threats for the past two months. 

"Yeah, it's nice. I hope the weather keeps up like this for the next few days," Mia replied. 

Edward and Bella's wedding was the next day. She was going to spend the night with her sister, almost like a bachelorette party of their own. 

Leah grimaced. "For the wedding?"

Mia nodded. "You still haven't changed your mind about coming?"

Leah shook her head. The Cullens invited the Blacks and the Clearwaters as they were close friends of Charlie. Mia also assumed that they were fond of Seth after the newborn army thing. 

"I don't want to be around them if I can't help it," 

Mia didn't say anything back. She knew Leah's view of the vampires. She hated them, passionately. And Mia didn't exactly blame her because, as she promised herself to do so, she was not turning her thoughts off since the beginning of the summer and she really got to know the pack better. 

When Leah shifted, the first-ever female in the tribe's history, it caused her father to have a heart attack due to the shock. They were all expecting Seth to be the one to phase. Leah blamed herself. 

Furthermore, long before she phased, her boyfriend and cousin got together. It was all, one way or another, due to the shifting, and they all shifted because of vampires. 

In short, Leah hated vampires. 

"We still have no word of Jake, right?" Mia asked, changing the subject while laying next to her. 

"Nope, he's still AWOL,"

Jake had been pissed since he learned about the marriage, but it only got worse once he received the wedding invitation. He phased into his wolf and ran. Embry and Quil wanted to go after him but Sam told them to let him go. They hadn't heard from him in weeks. 

"I'm trying not to be worried about him, but it's been a long time. I just wish he'd let us know that he was alright,"

A number of things could have happened. He might have run into wild animals or a vampire. A bad vampire. And he would be all alone.

Leah shrugged. "I'm sure his annoying ass is fine. Honestly, I'm glad he's gone for now," 

"What does that mean?"

Blood Is Thicker Than Water  // Lahote - [EDITED]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt