The Battle

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as Sabine and the ghost crew sees the war happening on the Clan Wren world of Krownest, Sabine stands to her feet in shock of the battle on the ground below before she runs to her bunk to grab her blasters where she sees Ezra standing next to her

"Sabine, what's wrong?" Ezra asks as he hugs her

"Ezra, the Empire is attacking my home" Sabine says as her eyes start to fill with tears 

"Sabine, Mandalorians are some of the strongest people I have ever met however both me and you must work together to free your world plus I have a plan for a change" Ezra says smirking at the last part showing off his cocky attitude

"alright, I hope your plan whatever it may be works" Sabine says as they both walk to the cockpit as they land at the Wren stronghold where they rush inside to find imperial forces with blasters aimed at the count and countess 

"Master Bridger, Miss Wren I am Seargeant Connix of the Imperial Security Bureau and I am placing all of you under arrest so come peacefully and I may let you live" Connix says to them both

"Sabine get ready" Ezra whispers to her 

on hearing this Sabine pulls out her blasters as she starts firing on the troopers as she throws Ezra his lightsabre as he activates it showing the emerald green blade as he moves to defend the count and countess 

"die Jedi scum" Connix yells as he lifts his blaster behind Ezras head before he suddenly drops to the floor dead, he was shot by countess Ursa Wren

"thank you ma'am" Ezra says to the older woman 

"why did you come here?" Ursa asks both Ezra and Sabine

"we came to help free this world" Sabine says 

"very well follow me to command ops" Ursa says 

they walk into the Wren private wing of the accommodation into the command rooms where they see AT-AT walkers approaching the Eastern Flank 

"we estimate the AT-AT walkers will arrive in the next 10 minutes unless someone stops them however all of our forces are focussed on the Western Flank so we can not send them" one of the warriors announces as Ezra goes to Sabine

"I have a plan" Ezra says "but I will need your consent to do it" 

"what is it?" Sabine asks confused

"hmm, one never tells his plans" Ezra jokes as he pulls her in for a hug knowing this could be the last time he hugs her 

as he walks out he calls for Count Wren and they both walk the corridors

"if I survive can I get your permission to marry Sabine?" Ezra asks the man who he has grown to see as a friend 

"marry Sabine? I have no problem with it however considering the fragile relations between Jedi and Mandalore in the past I must admit this is most..." the Count adds

"most?" Ezra asks concerned 

"unusual Ezra" the Count responds 

Ezra unclips his lightsabre while walking as Sabine comes up on them

"a lightsabre is a Jedi's life Sabine, I am now placing it in your hand" Ezra says as he gives his lightsabre to her 

"why are you giving this to me?" Sabine asks scared 

"because you are my life Sabine and I want to spend the rest of it with you" Ezra says before they reach the door and he leaps off the landing pad onto the ground below using his DL-44 blaster to take down some stormtroopers before he reaches the rockfaces which the AT-AT walkers are at before he kneels down 

"get out of here" Ezra says to the Mandalorians as they withdraw 

once he knows they are safe he reaches out with the force gripping the two rockfaces crushing them with the force making the rocks destroy the walkers but in the process he is buried in the rubble 

Sabine looks at the lightsabre as she activates it revealing a white blade instead of the regular green 

"EZRA!" Sabine yells 

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