Arc 4: Chapter 91

Start from the beginning

When the news of her waking up was heard, many people sent her gifts wishing her a speedy recovery and even congratulating her on waking up.

Lloyd, Rosina and Isabella often visited her as she took lessons on getting used to her limbs once more. After being in a coma for so long, she couldn't use her legs or hands so she had to recuperate.

When they first visited her, the three burst into tears, wailing continuously as they told her how scared they were when they thought she would never wake up. They stuck to her like glue every time they visited, never letting her off from their sight. Though it was extreme, she was grateful to have them by her side.

As for what happened after she fell unconscious. Lloyd told her everything. They successfully captured Hera and removed her status to a commoner. They locked her up in prison, never being able to see daylight ever again.

She was tortured the same way she had did to her victims, leaving her barely alive. Every time she was close to the brink of death, they would make sure she wouldn't die.

Lloyd explained to her that Hera was supposed to be sentenced to death but they thought it was a lenient punishment after everything she had done.

"Allowing her to die without her attoning for everything she has done is too little. So we compromised with his majesty, Hera will be alive however she will be rotting in the prison cell, barely alive. This way even if she wanted to end her life, she can't,"

"I also heard that she has gone crazy, screaming every day to release her and that she was still the princess."

Elenor silently praised herself to have never been on bad terms with Lloyd and other royals.

The people that Hera had in her place were found and released even having a compensation fee for what she has done to them.

All in all, everything ended on a good note. Ray was able to return back to his family but decided to become a servant in training at the Marquess' household.

Judas sent her tons of letters together with gifts and when he heard about the news of her waking up, he immediately left Vaidia to Elaelind.

He visited her everyday during his stay at Elaelind but had to return back to Vaidia as he still had things he needed to do.

"I'll send you letters often." Elenor said before Judas left.

"Lady Elenor."

"Yes Prince Judas?"

He opened his mouth, wanting to say something but stopped himself and instead shook his head.

"Could we drop the formalities with one another?" he asked, sincerely.

Elenor thought about it before nodding, "It would be an honour, Judas."

A warm smile bloomed on his face as he nodded. It felt like it had a hint of sadness but she couldn't put a finger on what.

"Alright, I'll reply to every letter you sent but don't push yourself too hard. Take care and let's meet again some time, Elenor." Judas bowed and left.

After that, Elenor continued to spend her time indoors. Once she could finally walk and use her limbs like the way she could previously, she began taking her usual strolls around the garden.

At first she would have three guards with her wherever she went or her brother would stick close to her but slowly it decreased to only one guard after Elenor begged her family to let her only have one guard with her.

Her life returned back to normal except for one thing. She hasn't seen Alec once after she woke up.

No matter how much she asked, they would simply shake their heads. Even her own family. She knew they knew where he was yet they could only stay silent or just shoot her a smile.

Her brother, Richard, who would do anything for her also didn't tell her! When she asked her friends they averted their eyes and made excuses before running off.

"Just tell me where he is! Lloyd!" she glared at him who nervously laughed it off before checking his watch.

"Oh look! I have a meeting, gotta go!! See you later Elenor~!" Lloyd waved goodbye, running out of the estate.

Elenor gritted her teeth, secretly creating a plan in her head. "I'll skin you alive next time you dumb prince!!" she yelled out, frustrated.

"Alec where are you?" she muttered to herself, sighing in defeat.

"No let's not give up here. I'll just sneak out and find him! I'm sure he's somewhere close." Elenor huffed, nodded to herself.


Author's note: one last chapter to go!! i might need to adjust or tweak a few things on this chapter,, next week monday is the finale ('°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)

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