The Party Tonight

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My eyes gleamed with excitement as two clues got solved within a fraction of a second. Two clues down, three to go! Well, that was great, I thought. Just then, Dave asked, " What's today's plans by the way? " That was true. What were we gonna do today? Just then, George replied, " Oh god! I forget to tell you all. Ms. Rose and Mr. Maxwell are throwing a party once again today and Bess, Nancy, I and our boyfriends are invited. "

Whoa! So we were out of this. But how could Ms. Rose throw a party? Shouldn't she be sad about her boyfriend's death? Still, it was great! At least, I'll get some time to sleep. But just then, Nancy spoke. " Well, that's great. George, Bess you two should go with Burt and Dave. I won't go; neither will Ned. Because I need to investigate Ms. Rose's room. She would be gone, so tonight would be the perfect time for us to investigate. Listen, you two will tell Ms. Rose that Nancy couldn't come because she is feeling sick and Ned is with her. Did you get that? Meanwhile, Frank and Joe will gurad this room and let no one enter. I and Ned will go to investigate her room. "

As she finished, there was silence before I asked, " But how will you investigate her room? It's impossible! " Nancy merely smiled at me and said, " Don't worry. I have an excellent idea. So George and Bess, did you get it? " The two girls smiled at Nancy before she asked, " Ned, you will come, won't you? " Ned looked at her, smiled and wrapped his arms around Nancy. " Anything for you. " Ugh! I always hated Ned. Well, it was not THAT hatred and jealousy, but it was a teeny tiny hatred because he was the one whom Nancy loved, preferred. But both Ned and I are very good friends, to tell the truth.

Anyways, it was decided that at around 8:00pm, when the party would begin, Ned and Nancy would start their job, while Joe and I will be guarding this room and try to solve the clue which Nancy had written in her notebook- the one she took down from the pub. So that was it, and after a lot of discussion, we went out of the girl's room to rest for sometime before starting the thrilling job.

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