Handing the Files

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The girls were already in the restaurant before we enetered. Bess yawned widely, George was looking extremely drowsy, while Nancy waved at us, smiling. " Did you guys find it? " Was her immediate question as soon as we sat down and ordered our breakfast. I looked at Frank with a look of 'better you tell'. Frank lowered his voice and spoke, " Yes. We did get them. Six files were found. Here, kepp these with y'll. " With that, he handed the files to Nancy. " Did you see anything in this? " George asked us. We shook our heads. There was silence when we ate our breakfast. Suddenly, Bess asked, " Did you investigate room again? " Frank looked towards Nancy and smiled, " Nope. " " But why? You could have got some more clues, you never know? " Bess questioned, to which Frank smiled and answered, " I have comete complete faith in Nancy. " As soon as he finished saying this, he looked at Nancy, who smiled warmly at him and added, " Besides, he wouldn't have got anything, for the police would have taken anything suspicious. But why hadn't they taken the files? " Yes that was a point. Why hadn't they taken the files? Hadn't they seen them?

When we finished our breakfast, it was already 8:45 am. Too early for us. George and Bess decided to talk with Ms. Rose in order to get some I formation about Advik, while Nancy, Frank and I decided to talk with the police officers about the report of postmortem, etc. As we all filed out of the restaurant, Frank stopped Nancy.
Frank: " Hey, Nancy, I hope this is yours. "
(He handed her the earring)
Nancy: " Oh God! Why, yes! This is mine! Where did you get it? "
Frank: " Umm... It was in Advik's room, when I was searching for those files. "
Nancy: " Oh, Frank thank you so so much! This is my most favourite earring! "
(She hugged Frank, after which I spoke, being unable to resist myself)
Me: " Hey, can we go to the police station? We are literally wasting our time. "
Nancy: " Uh.. Yeah.... Sure. "
Frank: " Right... Let's go. "

Phew! At last!

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