The Two Friends over the Phone.

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Fenton Hardy's POV:-

Kring! Kring! The telephone rang.

"Laura, can you pls pick up the phone? " I asked to my wife who was in the kitchen, cutting salads. "Sure! " She responded and went to fetch it.

--- " Hello, who's this? "
---" Is it you, Laura? Oh, I'm Carson, Carson Drew. "
---" Oh, nice to hear you, Mr. Drew! "
---" Same here. Can I talk to Fenton?"
---" Umm... He's doing something.... I'll tell him to call you back later, will that be alright? "
---" Oh, yeah, sure. "

I peeped out of my door. "Who was it? " I asked, to get the response that it was my dear friend Carson.

" Was it something important? " I asked. My wife shook her head. I decided to call him after sometime, after I finished with my report. I was helping the Bayport Police Department to catch an escaped murderer and I had to make files on the case. The murderer has been caught though, but the only problem was that he has a sibling, exactly his copy in physical outlooks. So the case is being taken to the court and what a coincidence, Carson was the lawyer on our behalf.

After I finished with the files, I went to call my dear friend.

---" Hi, Carson! Fenton here. "
---" Oh, hello! How're you doing?
---" Great, what about you? "
---" Fine. I wanted to know two things..... Well, have you completed the files for tomorrow? "
---" Ah, that's what I was doing just a few minutes ago! Yes, it is finished. "
---" Good. Don't forget to bring it tomorrow. And secondly, how are the young detectives? "
---" Frank and Joe? Oh, they're great. They have been called by their ATAC to solve a case in Los Angeles-"
---" The one about drugs? "
---" Yep, that's the one. Have you seen the news? "
---" Yeah, and I'm afraid that Nancy and her friends are in Los Angeles as well, for hiking in the San Gabriel Mountains. I'm worried if she involves in the case, it would cost ger trouble, with no adults to help. "
---" Oh, Carson, come on! You know your girl. She's not the one to get herself bruised! Don't worry about her, she's in the mood of hiking, isn't she? And does she know about the case? "
---" That's what I was thinking. If she  is unaware of the news, it would be stupid on my side to fill her in, and if she hears about it, well.... I guess I would have to go to Los Angeles as well. After all, it's a new place for her. "
---" You're thinking too much Carson. She can look after herself. And there's her friends with her. Still, don't feel ashamed to ask for any help. "
---" No, never. Thanks. Good Night. "
---" Good Night. "

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