This is bad this is..., they have everything here, pictures and videos from when Jo and I were making fun of people dancing, when we met Jontae, to our drinking and Reynard, when Jo was dancing with Reynard, my conversation-ish with Donald all of it, it was planned, everything was planned, everything. They are even laughing, they think this is funny, do they think this is funny,...... I was betrayed, that bastard told us nobody cared when obviously he did.
Oh, he gone pay, the anger in me is the kind that can only be quenched by the pain of another, and he is going to be that unlucky fool, if I can't inflict physical pain I will make sure I ruin him, I will make sure emotional and psychological trauma hurts just as much. I will show that wart infested miscreant that no one messes with Ellen Carson and gets away with it, who is he, does he have a company worth a good quarter of Paris economy to his name.

"WHO. THE HELL. IS HE?" I noticed I spoke out loud only when Jo flinched.

Between my mental breakdown and Jo's shock at my outburst, Renee came in.

"I'll make some calls," Jo said to me and took the door leaving Renee and I. Renee watched the TV and after grasping what was going on she slumped into the sofa with her head in her hands.

It's been hours of rummaging through paperwork upon paperwork in my office and wishing for lunchtime while I await Jo on any news about that bastard. I can't wait for my fist to come in contact with his jaw bone and uproot his hair with my hands while I relish in his pain.

There will be no leave it to the law, I will deal with the law after I've dealt with the fool.

A ding from the elevator cleared my thoughts. I rose my head to see the last person I would have ever thought possible.

"Miss Ellen Carson, so lovely to meet you....again," he said with that smile that came back from years ago to hunt me in the form of a man I met two nights back. I feel my fist clench on my desk.

As I sized him up, I couldn't help but notice that the club lights didn't do him much good. If I thought him handsome that night, now I couldn't find the willpower to look away.

In white turtleneck top and furry jacket he represented the epitome of a Greek god. Light skin and tall he is, and no short on riches. He showed off wealth and power without trying, a second glance wasn't need to know he is well made.

But his extremely good looks won't justify his annoying aura or make me like him better nor will it make me forget just how bad they get.

"Donald?" Albeit keeping a person's name in my head had no importance to me, I was never one to forget.

"What are you doing here?" I gathered myself and inquired.

"I'm happy to see you too," Donald smirked.

"What do you want?"

"Mr.? –" He spoke turning to Landre.

"Cyvil sir. Landre Cyvil" Landre answered him.

"Mr. Cyvil. If you welcomed me here to get insulted, I'll show myself out," he turned to leave.

That is an old trick even for him and he knew but Landre had other things n mind. "N-no sir," Landre stopped him. "she is having a rough day, she isn't usually like this, I'll talk to her. Just a minute."

Donald turned back around and nodded. He nonchalantly pocketed his hands and stood up straight.

Landre staggered around the desk, I stood up and met him as he started in whispers. "Madame I know today hasn't been the best so far but this attitude is not helping. That man right there is Donald Xavier, he works with the government and he has all the insurance companies in his hands, now I don't know how possible that can be or what he is doing but I know he is good business, obviously you both know yourselves somehow and it is evident you don't like him but for the sake of not doing something we both will regret after, I suggest you behave. Okrrr?" Landre finished and looked me up down daring me to challenge him and turned from me to Donald.

I don't see myself as a person that can be bossed around but in this situation I kept quiet.

"Mr Xavier, why don't you sit and discuss business with Madame Carson, while I bring us coffee. I'll be right back," Landre said.

Landre entered the elevator and left.

As soon as my gaze landed on him my stomach twitched as the smile was back.

"I guess this is meant to be a casual meeting between two unknown persons," he started.

"I suppose?"

"But then," he said taking a step forward.

"There can be nothing normal when I will have to look into those beautiful eyes" he pushed further.

"Cut the crap."

"Temper temper, too cliché? Alright then. I expect you watched the news this morning." Donald is talking towards what happened this morning and I can't just believe how petty he can be.

"So what?"

"It might interest you to know about the lad responsible for the 'incident' "

Donald had reached my desk and is running his index finger at the edge of the glass as he slowly walked around.

"It's being taken care of, " I watched him through narrowed eyes.

"The man in question runs a construction company just minutes drive away from here."

"Why are you telling me this? For all I know you could be working with him. After All, I met both of you the same place. Why would I trust you?"

He stoppedand raised his eyes slowly to meet mine, collecting his hand back to his pocket, he spoke.
"You don't. I just might be lying through my teeth. But then, what do I have to gain? You just seem to me like the kind of person that craves action, that makes people pay for wronging you, like my kind of personn."

I let out a dry humorless laugh, "I doubt I am like you."

"And just what do you suggest 'like me' is?" Donald's gentle voice sounded like the calm before the storm.

"I don't care what you—" I started but my phone rang.

It's Jo.

"We've found that idiot, he runs a company not so far from you, Dupont constructions, I'll meet you there, you're a lot closer than we are, we may take a while, Dupont constructions, just feed that to your GPS, from what I heard you can't miss it."


He was right all along so what, it's not like he had trustworthy written across his forehead.

I pushed my chair under the table and started out hoping the unwanted guest wouldn't ask questions and just leave after me.

"Where are you going?" He asked, he just had to disappoint me didn't he but I turned, hesitantly.

"Your information corresponds with Jo's, so I'm going to get that son of a bitch"

"Now there we go, I like a good confrontation. Let's go chop-chop" he said pushing past me into the elevator and pressed the button.

"What?" I asked shocked.

"Let's go!" He yelled, but then, the closing elevator door didn't give me much time to protest.

Home, Bitter HomeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz