"Don't worry. I intend to."

Grinning, Taeyong hurried to the back. Seunghyeon would love a spa day too. Rubbing his shoulder, he stood up straighter.

"Hello, you're Daehyun-nim, correct? I'm Nam Kwangsun." Kwangsun held his hand out to Daehyun, topped with his usual charismatic smile. Seunghyeon smirked. Daehyun wasn't that friendly to strangers.

"Ah yes," Daehyun said and shook Kwangsun's hand. "I've heard about you," he said. "Thank you for taking care of Taeyong. You've been a great help."

Seunghyeon blinked. Why was this? Why was Daehyun being nice to someone other than family?

"No, it's nothing," Kwangsun said, oozing faux modesty. "Taeyong-nim is a great boss. He's the one taking care of me, really."

Seunghyeon rolled his eyes. Kwangsun didn't have to dial his charisma to the max. Though, he was good at it.

Taeyong reappeared with his bag in hand. "Myungsuk's still upstairs. Tell him we've left, okay?"

"Okay, I will," Seunghyeon said and shoved Taeyong around the counter. "Now go have fun and relax. And melt all your stress away, got it?"

Laughing, Taeyong stumbled away from him. "Okay, I promise," he said and waved at them. Taking Daehyun's hand, they both left the cafe, leaving it serenely quiet.

Until Seunghyeon spun around and crossed his arms, marching back around. "You are so fake."

"How was that fake?" Kwangsun asked, leaning against the counter. "I am just a nice person."

Seunghyeon squinted at him. "If you're so nice, then you won't mind if I don't paint your muscles," he said, laughing as Kwangsun gasped and protested.


Myungsuk stirred his drink with his straw. The red strawberry syrup swirling with the milk, making a soft, cohesive pink. He took a sip, taking a moment to enjoy the sweetness. "What was I saying again?"

Insoo chuckled as he held his iced mocha. "How you like hugs?"

"Oh, right." Myungsuk nodded. "Yes. I like tight hugs," he said, squeezing his shoulders in. "But only from certain people. Otherwise, if I don't know their pheromones, it's terrifying," he added and held up his fingers, counting. "I prefer my family, Daehyun-Hyung too, and you,"

"Me?" Insoo asked.

Myungsuk smiled and nodded. Insoo glanced down with a small smile, and Myungsuk focused on his drink instead, his heart skipping. "I feel safe with you," he mumbled before taking a long sip, filling his cheeks.

"I see," Insoo said and leaned forward, smiling around his straw.

What a surreal experience this way. After Myungsuk recovered from his meltdown, Insoo continued to come in. And instead of acting like nothing happened as Seunghyeon and Taeyong thought he would, Insoo asked questions and wanted to get to know Myungsuk. All of him.

Myungsuk giggled and wiggled his toes.

"Um, Myungsuk," Insoo started, setting his drink down. "I wanted to ask you something."

"Hm?" Myungsuk sat up, tilting his head.

Insoo shifted in his seat. "I wanted to ask why you're not in University. Did something happen?"

"Did something happen?" Myungsuk mumbled. He frowned and looked at the window, staring at the customers on the balcony. How could he explain that to Insoo? Where would he start?

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