15⚜ Running Away

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Cassidy POV

I ran and he chased me, he actually ran me down childish much.

He was getting closer and closer so I doubled the speed I was going on knowing he can't keep up with me this time, he should not be doing all this running I hope he stop chasing me for his own health sake

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He was getting closer and closer so I doubled the speed I was going on knowing he can't keep up with me this time, he should not be doing all this running I hope he stop chasing me for his own health sake.

My feets were now killing me from all the running I've been doing. I ran because I didn't want to face him in telling him why I did it. I mean who wouldn't run, would you let the person you almost killed drive you home, oh hell no.

He must think I'm insane now or thinks am obsessed with him. What normal person puts pills in their dad's drink almost killing him.

I must have lost him by now so I turned around to look if he was still chasing me, which he was nowhere in sight, that's good he should go home and get some rest.

This is better for me now I won't see him anymore and get jealous of him sleeping with other girls nor would I be getting anymore rejections from him, maybe I'll now be able to forget about him.

I reached a bus station and bought a ticket with the card he gave me and drawed out three thousand dollars afterwards riping the card in half. I don't want to use much of his money that's the reason I only took three thousand to start off, besides if I ever used this card again he'll find me. He had his way in always getting what he wants, so by just making one phone call I'll  be all over the news soon as a  missing person.

It took about three hours to get me to my destination from by the bus, I had now reached where I was going I hopped out of the bus and pulled my hud over my head.

I went to a motel in a place called Spring Vale, he'll never find me here. It was freezing cold in this place.

I went up to the elderly lady paying her for a room for the week and signing a wrong name in her book, when I looked up on the tv behind her it was very low thankfully and she wasn't even watching it, what I saw, it was a picture of myself on the nightly news, I read under the bottom of the screen "missing 18 year old teen if seen please contact 888530289."

Still with my eyes locked on the screen I saw something come up "willing to pay 5 million dollar reward to person with her wear abouts."

Really dad 5 million talk about wasting money, you don't have to waste your money on a freak like me am a nobody I said in my mind.

I paid the lady who didn't seem to have much care in the world about watching the news thankfully and walked away in search of my new home for now.

Tomorrow I'll go to a store to get some clothes hopefully the things here are cheap and not expensive.

As I got into the room I sat infront of the bed with my feet brought up towards my chest.

As I got into the room I sat infront of the bed with my feet brought up towards my chest

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I wondered how he was doing if he is well or is he wondering about me. This is the first time I've been away from him in this type of situation.

What would my mom say to me if she was still here? I sat on the floor for the whole night I didn't even know when I fell asleep, I didn't take the bed because of the condition it was in like a million people slept on it and it even seems like the sheets aren't washed in here gives me the creeps.

I looked on my phone to see 93 missed calls from dad, Chad and Rodger.  I turned off my location on the phone.

Then I heard someone on the motel speaker.

"Is there anyone by the name of Cassidy here." Said the lady that I got the room from.

I could have answered right then and there through the Mike in my room but nope I stayed silent. I knew my dad was here but he can't just barge in to every room looking for me.

"I know she's here I saw her location on her phone." Said his voice.

"Sir you cannot go in the rooms come back with a search warrant." Said the lady.

"You'll regret not giving me access, I'll rip this place into pieces if I have to, I'll be back." He said.

Did she forget the speaker was still on.

So it was him, I don't think he will come back, will he I mean I'm not that important anyways, what's my purpose staying with him, it's all just torture.


I felt something bit me on my arm and I woke up instantly off the floor, I must have fallen asleep. I now had a red mark on my hand. I went to the bathroom and dug up until I found a alcohol to throw on it, maybe it's an ants. Afterwards I brushed my teeth and took a bath.

I'm on my way walking to the store, finding the directions the map on my phone showed me.

I bought all the necessities that I would need, also buying a sheet set because I'm totally changing those that are currently on the bed at the motel.

On my way back to the motel I was just inches away from the entrance when I saw roughly five persons in suit there and I spotted two police vehicles at the other end of the road. He did come back.

I instantly spinned around walking in the same direction I was coming from.

I have to keep moving.

It's been four days and he hasn't found me yet. After leaving from the first motel I found another one about walking distance from there. This one wasn't creepy at all it was more homely and off the grid so most people doesn't even know it's here.

Ever since I've been here I haven't left one bit, because I've seen alot of police cars pass by like every second, but today I was running out on groceries.

It was almost 5pm, I couldn't starve myself much longer so I got out and headed for the store this time covering myself from head to toe.

I didn't to use my phone to make any calls so I didnt call any taxi. I walked, I bought mostly snacks, the ones with chocolate and some with cheese, I love  these flavors dearly.


Walking out of the store I felt someone's eyes on me the whole time. But me being me I kept walking straight not bothering to look behind me, too scared of what I might see. I kept walking faster and faster, I saw a house  near by so I went to hide at the corner of it for a couple minutes. I came out because there was no sight of anyone, I'm all clear now.

"Boom" said a male voice behind me.

I was about to run when two other males came on the other side.

"What's a pretty little thing like you doing out this side all alone, I guess your not from around here." Said the other man.

At this point I didn't know what, I think I should scream.

My phone was in my hand and so I press the speed dial button to the only person I wanted right now.

"Where are you from? Take that thing off your face so we can see you?" They kept talking and asking me questions.

So I did as was told, hoping my dad was hearing what was taking place.

"So it is you, the girl on the news." The one with a bearded face said the the two bald men. 

"This is just getting sweeter and sweeter, so five million huh, your pricey, now give me the phone." He said before snatching it from me a hanging it up.

"Don't worry princess because your daddy's got money, what wouldn't he do to save his princess?" He kept going on.

I got hit in the head from behind but I wasn't fully unconscious.

"Put her in the trunk."


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