13⚜ Epic Seduction Fail

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I woke up feeling different, no I wasn't feeling sore but I just felt super nice today like something I've always wanted happened. I was trying to recall what happened last night, I knew we didn't have sex, he just tasted me and after that it was all blank for me, I was really tired after the standing scene lastnight.

I opened my eyes to the realization  that I wasn't in my bed. This is his room, he must have taken me here. I then turn on my side to see if he was still in bed which he wasn't.

I knew he slept beside me because I could still smell his perfume and the other side of the bed looked slept in.

I was now wondering where he was. But to my luck there was no sign of him, I waited for a few minutes before I got out of the room to search for him but he was long gone to work already.

So I just got up out of the bed, straightened it and went to get ready for school. I did the usuals and grabbed something to eat heading out of the house, seeing Milton all ready to take me to school.

I told him that I was going to walk because I kinda needed the fresh air to be honest. I needed to think, he just said ok Cas have a great day waving me off.

I didn't know if lastnight meant anything to Damian or if he's gonna pretend nothing happened between us.

I don't know what this nor how I should behave around him, are we together now or was this a one time thing.

Would he break my heart like he did all the others, I need to stop overthinking before I run my brain to reck.

I was now walking into the school yard when I was greeted by Chad and Haley.

"So how was the party." Haley asked, they were now looking at me with suspicion and were now winking at me.

"Did anything special happened with you and what's his name again.. oh Rodger? Did your dad see you?" Chad asked.

I was getting so many questions, I'm definitely not telling them what happened when I got home lastnight, I said to myself smiling.

"It was a disaster actually, it turns out that Rodger is my dad's best friend which I had no clue of, let me tell you they are the exact same in hoeing around and would you believe it I seemed like a big lier infront of the two of them." I said and scuffed.

"Say what." They said in union.

"Y'all heard me." I said feeling a bit weird by how some people were now staring at me.

Haley dragged me and Chad to a safe spot were we could talk.

"Did your dad punish you? Do you still have your phone?" Haley asked.

"He said he was gonna but I guess he forgot." I said, that was the truth because he really did forget about punishing me which I'm so thankful for.

"You are one lucky girl." Chad said.

"Ok ok guys this interrogation is over, I think we need to head to class, that's what we came to do right."  I said trying to change the subject, I wouldn't call myself lucky because I can't until this day get the one thing I crave, want and desire.

"I totally forgot about that do we have to go we could stay here all day you know." Mumbled Haley.

"Yea babe we have to go, beside your friends are over there waiting on you." He said kissing her.

Haley walked over to her friends, while me and Chad made a run to class. We reached a few minutes late but as for Haley where the hell is she actually, class was almost at it's finishing.

"Well well well if it isn't the crew with the the queen b and her followers, why are you all so late explain." Said the teacher.

All eyes were now on them.

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