10⚜ Stucked In Denial

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Cassidy POV

"And what's that" he asked.

"I ahhhh" I stuttered,  I just couldn't come out with the words.

"You ahhhh what" he said.

I was so nervous right now my hands were shaking. So I got up went over to him and grabbed him, I couldn't wait any longer I just planted a kiss on him.

He opened his mouth to say something but I used that as my opportunity and slide my tongue in his mouth draining all the life out of him.

He then got up and pushed me to the floor.

"What was that?" He asked.

I only looked up at him saying six words.

"I have feelings for you Damion" I said out of shame, still not saying the right thing that I really loved him.

"How dare you say something like that out of your mouth. You don't understand this can never be, I won't allow it, this just isn't right It could jeopardize my business you silly girl. I can never love you or have you in that way Cas." He said now trying to calm me rubbing my back as I was now crying on the floor.

"Ok" I said now getting up, I'm now just going to have to start dating people so I can get him off my mind.

"You'll get over it" he Patted my back.

Damn right I will, and it would all be his fault if I get hurt while doing so.

"Do you love Amelia?" I asked him.

"Love oh honey I don't do love. I've only loved once and that was your mother the only person I really loved that way an now she's gone, so Amelia I'll soon get bored of her." He said.

Oh wow I really needed to let that sink in, how can someone say that they don't do love, that's impossible because love doesn't just come from the brain but it come from the heart and when the heart want something there's no denying it, well atleast that's what I've read I don't know about reality tho. Because I have no experience in such cases so the relationship advice  thing I could not give to no one.

"Why can't you love someone, is it so hard to do" I asked.

"Listen I'm just here for the fun some of these woman are clingy and wants to control you which I cannot make happen to me ever I'm my own boss I tell you what to do and not the opposite around. Anything else you'd like to ask because you seem like your filled with things to ask so do so now." He stated.

I just needed to know one thing because I was so lost right now it's probably visible on my face.

"Out of a hundred percent how much would you rate your love for me it doesn't matter if it's in a daughterly way or relationship way." I said.

"Negative zero point one, why?" He asked stiffly.

Does he mean what he just said, a negative? Does he not have anything in his heart for me? I know he must be kidding. Does he not care about others feelings than himself?

"Just asking." I faked a smile and got up.

I walked off to my room a shut the door rather loudly, why is he being so damn hard.


Damion's POV

I knew  I was making it hard for her, being this rude to her like that.

But I just couldn't confess that to her that I was feelings these strange feelings for her.

If only you could see how lost she looked when I said I was just here for the fun. I just smiled at her which she didn't noticed, how can someone be so beautiful,  innocent and naive at the same time. I told her to continue with her questions so she did.

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