After School

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(y/n)- your name

(h/c)- your hair color

(y/h)- your horoscope



(after school)

     You and Danny planned to meet up by the fountain in the center of the school's campus. You had two other classes with him, but he was constantly surrounded by girls trying to get his attention. So, you had no time to talk to him. You were almost at the fountain and saw Danny chilling out on the ledge sitting. "Hey (y/n) over here" Danny called out waving to you. While you were walking over to him two girls walk to him. You recognized the two, they were Lola and May. The two most popular girls in the whole school. "Danny, will you go out with me?" Lola asked Danny. She probably wanted to form a power couple since Danny was gaining popularity so quickly and wanted to claim him for her own you thought to yourself. "Sorry," Danny said while walking towards you. "I am dating (y/n), ever since this morning, I saw her and I knew that we were meant for each other. And she agreed!" he said with a big grin on his face and holding your hand. You start blushing while Danny leads you away, leaving Lola and May speechless. After a few seconds, you hear May yell "You will regret this!". But you and Danny continue walking. 

     Once you guys were out of sight and no one else was around he blushed like crazy. You were still shocked and surprised by what just happened. "Um-a-hmm-um" Danny stuttered. "I am sorry about that, I just didn't know what else to do, are you okay, I'm sorry" Danny spluttered out. You found that quite cute and started to smile. "It's okay," you told him. Oh lord, I might be catching feelings of this adorably handsome boy you thought to yourself. You can't let this happen! "(y/n) there is something I need to tell you..." Danny started but was interrupted by Professor Attard. "Oh (y/n) you are showing Danny around, well I got some makeup work for him, it would be wonderful if you could work on it with him and get it done by the end of this week." Professor Attard said. "Sure thing" you responded. You wanted to get this conversation over with you so could find out what Danny wanted to tell you. "Well that's all I needed to say, I will be on my way now, have fun looking around the rest of the school. He said. "Thank you!" you and Danny said in unison. Once Professor Attard left you turned to Danny and asked, "so what did you want to ask me?". Danny started to blush "oh it is nothing, it can wait, right now is not the right time, I missed it but as soon as the time presents itself I will definitely tell you," he said". "Okay then," you said reluctantly still curious about what he wanted to tell you. "Let's go on with the tour! Then I will help you with your work if you need any."



Dear reader, 

     This was the last update of this small story sorry. I am coming up with other concepts for other Danny Phantom exe X Reader short stories as you are reading this. I am happy that you are reading this story and I am even happier that you are reading this little message. I always want to leave a little message for you. Sorry that this was late I thought I pressed publish yesterday but I guess I didn't, good thing I noticed. <3 


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