Chapter Twenty-Five: Odds and Ends

Start from the beginning

"Where are you going?" Mina asked.


"How about me? Are you leaving me here just like that?" The woman asked again, making whining sounds and stomping her feet on the grass. "Yah! Kim Dahyun!" She yelled.

Irritated, Dahyun faced Mina. "I hope you are aware that whining like a baby doesn't suit a thirty-two-year-old like you," she said. It caused her sister to roll her eyes. "Plus, stop being dramatic because you are riding my car. Didn't we go here together?"

Mina giggled and whispered, "you are so hot-headed."

Another month has passed by, but Dahyun didn't even notice that. I mean, how could she? Every morning was the same. "Mom, I'm leaving for work," she said. Every morning was the same, except that her voice gets quieter, sadder each time.

Mrs. Myoui took ahold of her daughter's wrist while she used another hand to make the woman face her. "Take care, Dahyun, okay?" She was wearing a worried face. "And come home early," she said before hugging Dahyun.

"Mom, I'm not a kid anymore," the pale one whispered, barely even hugging her mom back. "I'll go now," she uttered.

"Alright," Mrs. Myoui could only say before letting her daughter go. She could not do anything as she understands. That is why she always asked Mina to visit Dahyun even during a busy schedule. "Did she forget it is her birthday?"

Everyone is aware of the change. Dahyun's lost smiles and her usual good morning greetings were gone. She looked like she is living in a new world, one where Sana never existed.

"Miss Kim!" Dahyun heard that voice, and she is pretty sure whose it is. Her assistant, Jennie, was waiting for her in the lobby for a long time since Dahyun came in late today. "Miss Kim!" She called in a louder voice, running after her boss.

"Yeah?" Dahyun asked while looking through her phone, not even planning to pay any attention.

"There are—" She almost hasn't started with anything yet, but she got cut off.

"Okay, I'll just check them," Dahyun said before walking at a faster speed, leaving Jennie with a puzzled expression on her face.

"What?" She furrowed her brows in confusion. "She was better back then, even when she always yells at me," she mumbled to herself.

Dahyun kept her head down as she walks towards her office, and right then, she heard people singing a happy birthday song. This is the part where she realized what date it is today and why her mother was asking her to come home early. "Happy birthday, Dahyun!" Jihyo and Momo yelled at the end of the song while they hold a chocolate cake.

"Thanks," Dahyun said before walking near them, blowing the candle and taking the cake with her to the office. She didn't even smile at them.

"That's it?" Momo whispered while looking at their friend walking away. "Okay, clap our hands! Yaaay!" She cheerfully said, causing the other staff to clap their hands a little, smiling awkwardly at each other.

"What a fun day, right?" Jihyo asked the others, faking a laugh before she started walking back to their department. The other followed her steps, still confused about what happened just now.

Dahyun was spacing out while she walked down to her office. "It's already my birthday?" She tilted her head in question as she holds the doorknob, slowly turning it.

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