CH24 You're Home

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I decided to wake up early to prepare breakfast for us. This will be our first meal as Mr. and Mrs. Park Jimin together, just the two of us. Leaving aside the fact that he left me for our first night as husband and wife and went to see her last night. I want to put that behind me. Today I want us to start again. Maybe last night was his way of saying goodbye for being free to be with anyone. I'll make sure everything is back to where it used to be after our honeymoon.

Anyways, where is he now? It is already 7am and the fight is at 9am. He should be --- I was cut from my thoughts when I heard the front door swing open. That must be Jimin. So I went out to see it for myself, and yeah, it was him.

"Chim, you're HOME! Are you okay? Go up chim and shower while I prepare us--"

I was talking, but he didn't stop on his way to his room and shut the door behind him. I waited in the kitchen for him to join me for breakfast until the front door reopened. It was Ahjumma who was here. Mum asked her not to come home as to give us privacy, but I ended up sleeping alone.

What a very memorable night, right?

"Good morning, Mrs. Park. How's your first night as Mrs. Park Jimin?"

"Good morning to you too, Ms. Choi."

Was all I said because there's nothing more to say. Do you think I can say that I was stood up last night? Yes its sad to admit, but it's too embarrassing.

"Ahjumma, please help me to move my things to the guest room. Thank you."

Jimin was standing at the kitchen door. This means he wants us to have a separate room. I looked at Ahjumma, who was now looking at me, and I just nodded my head, then she went out of the kitchen.

"Good morning, Chim, come let's eat now. Our flight is at 9; we need to--"

"There's no flight, it's cancelled."

With that, he stormed out and I left frozen.

I spent the whole day in my room. I started asking myself what I'd done wrong. Is there something wrong with me? Did I say anything that hurts or offends him? But I can't find an answer. Maybe it's only him who can give the answer.

"Mrs. Park I already prepared the ingredients you need for the dishes you will make for Mr. Parks' dinner."

I heard Ahjumma yell out of my room, so I went to open the door and we walked back to the kitchen together and proceeded to prepare for our dinner. It's already 10pm but Jimin is not yet home. I asked Ahjumma to eat her dinner first so she could go and sleep before me. I'm still hoping for Jimin to come and join me for dinner. A few minutes later, I heard the door opening. I rushed out of the kitchen to see Jimin entering the house drunk.

"Chim, let me help you."

I came to hold his arm and put it on my shoulder to help him walk, but he shrugged it away from me.

"Don't come if I don't call you. Don't touch me if I don't ask you. Don't talk to me if I don't speak with you."

He said and walked away, leaving me frozen again.

Why are you so mean, Jimin?

Why are you so mean, Jimin?

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