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She looks extra beautiful in her wedding gown. I hate the fact that she really looked stunning in that dress I chose for her. Exposing her collarbone made all men's eyes drawling for her, even my best friend Taehyung.

"Bro, I envy you bro... you've got a perfect wife bro... you're amazing bro... yeah!!!"

Oh God, it's not even an hour here in the reception room but he's already drunk.

"Jimin-ah, congratulations. Tae is right, you got yourself a perfect wife. Take care of her, Jimin. "

Namjoon's hyung butt in. I just nod and say thank you.

"Let us raise a glass and wish our brother and the bed a long night. Cheers...

Hobi Hyung said, and then we all laughed and held our glasses up.


After we all take a sip from our glass, I excuse myself, wanting to attend to some other guests from the nearby table, but someone caught my eyes. It's her, she's here. Our eyes met, then she stormed out of the room. Without thinking twice, I rushed out to follow her.

When I came back to the reception room, I saw Jungkook and Y/N seated together facing each other looking serious. What are they talking about? Y/N was looking at her hands in her lap. She looked so sad, maybe because of what I told her at the ceremony. I don't want to see her cry. It pains me as well, especially if I'm the reason for her tears. But it's true, all of this is just an arranged marriage, so stop pretending Y/N.

"Jimin, where have you been? Go ahead and take Y/N now. I guess she's tired now. Go on son, but don't make her more tired. You got it son?" Dad commented while laughing, I just smiled and shook my head.

"Jimin honey, are you sure you don't want Mr. Bang to drive you home?"

Mum asked when I was about to get into the car, where Y/N was already seated in the front seat.

"Yes mum, we will be fine, I promise."

I assured her, then gave her my last bow for tonight before getting into the car.

The long drive to our new home was silent. Y/N was leaning against the window while observing the view all the way. I wanted to talk to her and tell her everything that was on my mind, but my pride took over me. I parked the car at the garage and went out. This is the first time I've seen this house ever since Mum bought it. It's huge and beautiful outside. I'm curious about how it looks inside. I was back to my senses when I heard the car door close, then I saw Y/N coming my way. 'Fuck I forgot about her' I didn't wait for her to reach my side. I turned to open the main door and waited for her to get in. And she did. I was about to pull the door closed and take my leave, but she grabbed my arm and said,

"Jimin, don't go. Please stay."

"Get your hands off me!"

I told her without looking into her eyes. I miss her touch so much, but I won't give in. Not now, Y/N, and stop pretending you are innocent. She slowly let go of my arm, then I walked back to my car, leaving her alone, standing at the door, not moving an inch. I looked in the rear view mirror of my car and saw her still standing there, probably crying, looking at my car driving off.

I want to know when you can hold up Y/N.

When she's out of my sight, I take my phone out and make a call...

Your HOME? I'm coming over...

 You're HOMEComing soon

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You're HOME
Coming soon...

Arranged Bride || PJM ff Complete BOOK 1 BTS JIMINWhere stories live. Discover now