CH 6: Surprises & Suspicions

Start from the beginning

"Gross," she responded jokingly while shifting her chair further from him, we both burst into laughter except Moron. Clearing his throat, assuming that we all thought he wasn't present.

"Shay. I'd like you to meet Amber. Amber Prescott," his sulky mood disappearing when he looked her way. From there the two of us hit it off, I continued to torment Morgan with more embarassing stories which Amber found beyond funny. She diverted her attention from me when my parents decided to ask her on her opinion about todays politics. And that was my cue to leave to before the topic settled on me. While munching quickly on my blueberry pancakes I took the time to size her up. Confidence radiated off of her, her facial features were flawless. Definitely my brothers type. She would have to be on top of the schools social structure with the rest of the seniors.

What could she possibly see in lil moron-Morgan? Football captain and good looks. Or maybe she was the first girl who wasn't just going for the label of his girlfriend. Maybe she was different.He seemed happy though which was what mattered. She rarely talked about her family and avoided the topic. My parents, on the other hand, admired her alot compared to the other bimbos he usually brought home.

"So what do your parents do Amber?" mum asked seemingly interested. Something flickered in her eyes, before she plastered on a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. That was my mother for you. She just couldn't let something she wanted to know go. Probably why she's a lawyer.

"," she struggled to find an answer as she fiddled with the cutlery on the table. This looked bad. I needed to help a sister out.

Being the kind, generous, considerate person I am I decided to stop the bombarding questions being aimed at her. Purposefully knocking the milk off the table grabbing everyone's attention off of Amber.

"Sorry mum, I'm such a clumsy klutz!" dabbing the milk with paper towels while Franny helped me out.

"That's nothing new," Morgan mumbled which got him a punch on the arm from Amber.

"Ah. Shay. You should really consider those lady like classes that are being held at the town hall. At least you would've gotten something out of your teenager life besides splattering random colors on canvases all day . Don't you think dear?" She laid out her raw opinions while my father nodded, his eyes still glued to his phone.

There you have it. I couldn't even go a day without them judging me somehow.

Amber looked at me gratefully while her and Morgan excused themselves from the table. As Franchesca cleaned up my mess, I bid my goodbyes to the both of them. Even getting Amber's number, so we could plan something to do during the week. I gladly obliged. My parents had left the room saying they had to check things back at the office and that they'd be out late. Good riddens.

I couldn't function right with my mother's bad omen lurking the four walls of our house. They even avoided giving me an answer about the neighbours and said they'd tell me when their work schedule is less busy. Basically that meant never. Why'd I care anyway? Nodding understandingly I headed back to Franny and her joyful company. At least someone in this house appreciated me.

Later in the evening while I was nearly finished creating a collage made with colored cracked egg shells, my phone ringtone blared throughout the room startling me, "Big big booty, yeah she got a big booty. Twerk."

Abbie had set this for herself. The irony was uncanny.

Fumbling with my iPhone I deliberately rejected the call. Until she called the fifth time leaving me with no option.

"Hey you cow," a high toned voice shrieked out. Her way of addressing me was nothing new.

Groaning inwardly, I stood up making my way to the window leaning on the edge, "Abbie. To what do I owe the pleasure?" I replied with fake enthusiasm.

''So like, me and the girls were gonna head out to the beach today and have a 'Beginning of Senior Year' kinda party at the beach house. You in or what?"

Debating whether to go or not, I remembered that I hadn't gone surfing in ages and that a change of scenery would probably help. "Count me in." I replied hoping I wouldn't regret my decisions.

''Super! But remember wear anything skimpy. That's the only rule," she ordered.

The material from her bikini must have been made from a handkerchief this time.

After giving me the details and saying it was just a small get together I hung up to get ready.

She just mentioned that so I could actually show up.

I rang up Jay but she was already on her way there. I also knew she had done this intentionally so I'd be forced to drive myself there. Nuh-uh. That wasn't happening.

When I was finally satisfied, and gave the final touch-ups to the collage, I set it on a tree branch to dry out in the sun. Before heading back inside to get ready, I noticed four vehicles turn into Ryders house. Butterflies erupted in my stomach, knowing that he was back. Dang you hormones. You barely know the guy.

An elderly couple who looked very unfamiliar stepped out of the first car, along with who I assumed were Ryder's parents with two little girls with the same facial features. Then the third car, was Ryder who looked quite dashing with his shades and a tight tee on. Then the fourth car, emerged someone who I would have never guessed. Her and Ryder embraced each other into a tight hug before she waved to all of them and drove off again.

''Amber!?"I said to myself slightly confused.


Thank you all so much to my faithful readers. That was so predictable right, but is Amber, Ryders girlfriend?.... KEEP READING TO FIND OUT ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
Please vote and comment, that would literally make me the happiest person on earth! LOVE YA GUYS.

Emma x

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