[ 29 ] pieces of a puzzle that won't seem to fit

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"I'M not just letting you leave her here." Stiles said to Peter, referring to the unconscious redhead beside him who looked like she was practically bleeding out.

Stiles had been quick to find them after Peter had bitten a chunk out of Lydia's side, which explained Lydia's lack of consciousness.

Aspen just stood there, speechless, still reeling from the information that Peter and Derek Hale both somehow knew Ace, and they knew him well enough to know about Paige.

Her hands were shaking at the sight of the chunk of Lydia's side that had been bitten out by Peter.

"You don't have a choice, Stiles. You're coming with me." the Alpha demanded.

"Call your friend." Peter sighed irritably. "Tell Jackson where she is, that's all you get."

Aspen grabbed Stiles' phone and dialled Jackson's number, seeing as she didn't have her phone on her and Stiles, for obvious reasons, didn't have Jackson's number saved.

"J-Jackson?" she yelled into the phone.

"Aspen I did something, something ba-"

"I don't care." she cut him off. "You need to come out to the lacrosse field now, y-you need to take Lydia to the hospital."

"What happened? "Jackson's panicked voice said through the phone.

"Just get here, now, please."
She hung up the phone, not knowing what else to say, her heart was also racing so fast she felt like she could pass out any second.

Aspen handed Stiles back his phone, and turned to Peter with hatred burning in her eyes.

"You can stay here." Peter told her. "I only need one of you."

"Fine, take me." she was quick to snap, not thinking twice before instinctively protecting Stiles. "Let Stiles take her to the hospital and I'll go with you."

"Aspen don't." Stiles said calmly. "I'll go, I don't want you getting hurt."

"I don't want you getting hurt!" she was now crying, while Peter stood back and watched this unfold between the two teenagers.

"Stay. Here." Stiles repeated, an unusual calm to his tone. "If something happened to you because I let you alone with that..." he lowered his voice, not that it mattered seeing as the alpha had supernatural hearing, "psychopath..."

"I can still hear you, idiot." Peter spoke.

"Stay here, wait for Jackson, and help Lydia." Stiles said to Aspen, taking both of her hands in his to try and stop them from shaking.

Aspen wanted to fight him on it, but she could see from the look in his eyes that he wasn't asking.

She swallowed the lump in her throat and nodded.

And then he and Peter were gone.


"Where is she?" Aspen and Jackson yelled into the hospital corridor at the same time.

The two had barely had a chance to talk between dragging Lydia's limp, unconscious body to the hospital.

"Hey!" Sheriff Stilinski shouted, ore at Jackson than it was to Aspen. "What the hell happened to that girl?"

" I-I don't know." Jackson stammered. "We went out looking for her-"

"What, you just happened to wander into the middle of that field and you just found her there like that?" Sheriff Stilinski said skeptically. "Don't lie to me, son."

Cross Your Mind , Stiles Stilinski ¹ ✓ Where stories live. Discover now