Derek gives Addison a look. Addison sighs. "That was Mark."

"Who's Mark?" Richard asks, now calmer than he was a second ago.

Addison sighs. "He and Derek used to work together back in New York. Mark is Mackenzie's dad... and umm... they ah... We were all close friends. Until, Derek found us in bed together."

Richard is silent for a moment. He looks to Derek. "You put your weight behind it?"

Derek nods. "Yes sir."

Richard nods. "Well, alright then." He leaves.

Addison places her head in her hands.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Derek asks practically no one.

Addison sighs. "I have no idea."

Derek stood up in realization. "He's here to see Mackenzie."

/ / /

In a trauma room, where Meredith is cleaning up the large cut on Mark's face.

"Derek and I always did have the same taste in women."

"Excuse me?" Meredith questions.

Mark looks at Meredith knowingly. "You're Derek's lusty intern, right? Heard about you all the way back in New York. You're famous."

"Hmm, well I heard about you all the way here in Seattle, so I guess we have a lot in common."

Mark chuckles. "We're the dirty mistresses."

Meredith nods. "I suppose we are."

"My 400 dollar an hour shrink says that because behind this rugged and confident exterior, I'm self destructive and self loathing to an almost pathological degree."

Meredith smirks. "Hey, we do have a lot in common."

"You know it's funny, Derek..." he turns to face Meredith but she grasps his face so he's staring straight so she clean the wound on his cheek. "Derek walks in on me naked with his wife actually in the throws, and he just turns around and walks away. But he sees me so much as talking to you and I'm on the ground bleeding. Interesting, don't you think?" Meredith doesn't respond. She places a towel on his shoulder and moves to start suturing his face. "What do you think you're doing?"

Meredith looks at him. "You need stitches."

"I know," Mark says. He holds up a mirror. "Hold the mirror."

Meredith gives him a look and hands him the surgical tools. She takes the mirror from him and stands in front of him so he can stitch it up himself.

/ / /

Cristina, Alex, Izzie and George are all watching from the nurses' station.

"Why is he suturing his own face?" George asks.

Cristina shrugs. "To turn me on."

"Cause he's Mark Sloan. He's, like, the go-to plastic surgeon on the East Coast." Alex answers.

George looks shocked. "That's the guy Addison was sleeping with? He's Mackenzie's dad!"

"You can't really blame her, can you? And you can't blame McDreamy, either." Izzie comments.

Cristina shakes her head. "No, not really."

"Yes you can." George argues.

Meredith comes up to them. "McSexy wants an x-ray to check for fractures and I think it's a bad idea if I take him."

If I Lay Here {Book 1} - Grey's Anatomy AUWhere stories live. Discover now