Namjin: Tibi Alae Meae Dō pt. 2

Start from the beginning

"Name?" The short angel with black hair and pinkish wings who was sitting behind the table asked.

"Kim Seokjin."

"Your stone?"

Jin took out the Amber necklace, which he had under the t-shirt and showed it to the latter.

The angel searched in his book.

"Okay, please, go in," He said, his hand pointing to the huge white door. Seokjin knocked and flew in.

The two other angels looked at him and smiled.

"Hello, Kim Seokjin. Please, take a seat."

The boy did what they said and hid his wings. His leg bounced in nervousness as he bit his bottom lip.

"Do you know, why we called you in here?" one of the angels said, putting his glasses up his nose.

"I have no idea, Sir," Jin admitted, his heart beating fast. He definitely didn't have a good feeling about this.

"Well," the second angel continued. They took a picture and handed it to him, "do you recognize this devil?"

Jin took it and as he saw the person in the photo, his heart dropped. He tried to keep calm and not show anything on his face but his mouth opened slightly.

It was Namjoon.

This wasn't good. This was far from good. It was the complete opposite of good.

They knew.

They knew about them.

But how, they had been so careful-

"So? Do you?"

"No," Jin lied and looked up at the two, "I have never seen this devil in my entire life," he handed them the picture back, while he was panicking and mentally cursing himself.

"No?" The two angels raised their eyebrows, "so... who is this?" they handed him the second photo, where the devil and Jin were very close to each other.

The boy lowered his head as the tears threatened to fall down. This was the end. They knew.

"What is your relationship with the devil?"

Jin kept quiet and the two angels stared at him, their gazes piercing him. He closed his eyes and lowered his head.

"You know there's no point in lying. Just tell us. Have you been intimate with the devil?"

Jin's eyes overflowed and he could only nod, his body trembling in embarrassment. He knew that lying would be useless.

"Well, I think you know what happens now, do you?" Jin nodded as one of the angels got up and took the sad boy by his arm, pushing him up and walking out.

"Everyone, look at him! You know what he has done?!" every angel stopped what they were doing and looked at the two. Jin lowered his head in shame and tears streamed down his pale skin, his black eyes gloomy.

"He has committed a sin!"

"No, I haven't," Jin's shaky voice echoed through heaven. The taller turned to him.

"Yes, you have! As you have already confessed, you had sex with a devil," everyone gasped in shock, "For us, it's supposed to be sacred. Doing it for fun is against the rules."

"It's not a sin because it was love!" Jin tried to defend himself as the crowd gasped again but the taller angel laughed.

"Devils are not able to love."

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