Namjin: Semivir Marinus

74 3 5

a merman (lat)

Words: 1.3 K
Warnings: none

"Captain, here's one!"

All the man ran towards the shore, where the boy was standing and pointing at something in the water. As they came closer, they saw what would get them so rich, they would never have to work again in their lifetime.

A merman.

The beautiful huge creature was trapped between the stones and its tail was caught under a log. The male looked at them, trying to wiggle its body out of the trap but the men threw their net at him. He hissed, trying to get out but giving up after seeing that it was useless.

The men freed him carefully, pulling him out of the water and laying him onto the cold sand. He wiggled his tail like a fish and gasped for air, not feeling comfortable without the sea.

When Namjoon laid his eyes on him, he immediately recognized the one, who had almost drowned him. But instead of rage, he couldn't help but soften.

The merman's milky skin glistened with droplets of water; the moonlight painting shadows at his handsome features. His purple hair was slowly drying and his dark eyes glowed with fear. His torso and arms were muscular and his shoulders broad. At the hips area, his skin was transforming into scales, his tail a mix of pink and purple.

Mermen were huge. They could be even three meters long but this one was only about two and a half. They were scary in their natural habitat but out of the water, they were weak.

The merman hissed at them as his body trembled but everyone knew that he is practically harmless.

Namjoon's gaze met with the merman's and remorse flooded his mind. He was beautiful, his pink lips plump and shiny, his dark eyes begging. He was afraid.

How could something be so evil and yet so perfectly beautiful?

They took the net of him and brought his hands together. The merman tried to bite them, wiggling out of their hold but it was useless. They tied his wrists together and threw him into a box with water. They locked the lid.

"Aw, look at you. Such a pretty little thing," the captain squatted down and cooed as the merman hissed again.

"Okay, pals. Pick him up. Let's carry him to the boat."

The sailors obeyed and picked the box up. They groaned because of the weight but carried it nonetheless.

Namjoon walked next to the captain and the merman turned his head to look at him. Their gazes met. His eyes were pleading again and Namjoon could feel as sadness consumed him. He remembered as the creature pulled him down, almost drowning him and the sympathy disappeared rather quickly.

They placed the box in the storage room and everyone walked to their bed, tiredness taking over them. As soon as they laid their heads down, they began to snore.

Everyone except for Namjoon, who kept turning and turning in his bed. After what felt like hours he got up, taking a lamp and walking out of his cabin. He unlocked the door and placed the source of light on a beam, looking around for a bottle of rum.


The man turned after he heard a soft shallow voice call out his name. He looked around the room and his eyes fell on the glass box.

"How do you know my name?" he replied, taking the bottle and walking closer to the merman.

"Please, let me go," the creature begged, his voice louder. Namjoon smirked.

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