"Very talented indeed, Chuck." The blonde agreed, making eye contact with Mae from across the table.

"I wonder how Minho and Thomas are out in the Maze," Teresa commented once the praise over Mae's new bracelet died down. Newt shrugged, placing his silverware down on the table and leaning back.

"Minho's a professional and Tommy's... Well, he's Tommy. I'm sure they're fine." He explained. Mae glanced behind her to the Maze doors, which were open as usual.

"I guess we'll just have to wait and see," She agreed, before turning her attention back to her potatoes, carrots and beef.


A few hours later, Mae, and most of the other boys were standing outside the doors awaiting Minho and Thomas's return. Mae was hoping that it wouldn't be a repeat of the last time they were in this situation. They had been hearing some strange unsettling sounds from the maze, and everyone was expecting the worse.

However, they didn't have to wait anxiously for long, because Thomas and Minho came jogging through the doors much before the doors closed. They were out of breath and covered in dirt.

"What have you done now Thomas?" Gally was the first to speak, but Thomas simply ignored him and pushed past the group with purpose. Everyone followed, bombarding the runner duo with questions.

"What is it?" Newt asked, walking alongside them.

"We found something, a passage way. We think it could be a way out," He explained in between breaths.

"Wait, really?" Mae questioned, her voice laced with hope as she struggled to catch up.

"It's true. We opened a door, something I've never seen before," Minho confirmed. "Think it must be where the Grievers go during the day."

"Wait- woah woah." Chuck interrupted, catching up finally and inserting him between the two. "You're saying you found the Grievers home? And you want us to go in?" The young boy questioned.

"Their way in could be our way out, Chuck." Thomas reasoned, shifting slightly to face him as everyone continued walking furiously.

"Or-" A voice piped up from behind. "There could be a dozen Grievers on the other side," Gally was speaking, ridiculing their plan. "The truth is: Thomas doesn't know what he's done as usual." He sneered, causing Thomas to finally loose his temper.

The boy, fuming, turned on his heel to face Gally. Mae paused, as did everyone else, hoping that this argument wouldn't break into a fight that all parties involved would regret.

"Yeah? Well at least I did something, Gally. What have you done? Besides hide behind these walls all the time." Thomas retaliated, gesturing to the Glade in an insulting manner. Mae could visibly see the rage flowing through his veins, fueling his argument. She took a step forward, but quickly froze when she saw Newt throw her a look that said leave them be.

"Listen here Greenie, I've been here three years. You've been here three days-"

"Yeah you've been here three years you're still here, Gally! And what does that tell you? Maybe you should start doing things a little different," The vein in his neck bulged, an indication that he had really snapped. Newt, Minho and Mae stood helplessly, watching them throw random insults at each other as they spoke.

"Hey!" Teresa's voice gained Mae's attention, but everyone else was too busy watching the fight unfold to notice her standing there. She hurried over to her sisters side, explained to her what had happened, and asked her what was going on.

"Alby's awake," Teresa informed her, and Mae nodded quickly, glancing back at the rising action that was collecting between the two boys. "I'll deal with them. You go back to Alby, we'll see you there." She ordered. Teresa agreed with the plan, and headed back toward the Med-jack hut.

"Thomas," Mae started, in a normal tone. No one acknowledged her.

"You're not in charge here Thomas,"

"We could be getting out! Who cares about who's in charge?"

"Thomas!" Mae rose the volume in her voice, earning a few glances from the other Gladers.

"I care! It's not like all this happens over night. We worked for it."

"A real life is out there Gally. We can't sacrifice that for some stone-"

"WOULD YOU LISTEN TO ME?" Mae boiled past her breaking point, her tone startling everyone, including Thomas and Gally. He slowly shifted his attention from Gally to her, his brown eyes wide. In the short time that she'd been there, no one had heard her this serious before.

"It's Alby," She huffed exasperatedly.

Shits doing down. Please comment yall, I'm begging you PFFT. It's fine if you don't, I'm grateful anyones even reading this :) RAISE YOUR HAND IF CHUCK IS TOO SHUCKING CUTE.

in another life; the maze runnerWhere stories live. Discover now