Chapter 14

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Andy was running in late to work, missing the initial meeting.


"I'm so sorry I'm late."

"Don't worry your husband called and by the way you didn't tell me you were married."

Andy shrugged.

"Long story."

"Well I want you to come meet the new resident Pediatrician."

"Of course."

"Doctor Mercier?"

When he turned around, Andy laughed as he did as well.

"You two know each other?"

Doctor Mercier laughed, nodding.

"We bumped into each other the other day, so yes, yes we do."

Andy nodded, knowing gossip when around like wild fire around here so she just shut her mouth.

"Well then this is great because Andy, you'll be assisting Dr. Mercier with anything he needs for the next couple of weeks until he gets adjusted."

"Of course."

"Great well I'll leave you two to it."

Her boss walked away, leaving them alone.

"So Ms. Andy I hear you're the new one around here."

"That's me."

"Yet you're the best one here."

Andy shrugged; she thought they were all pretty great.

"Well let's get started, we have a long night ahead of us."

"After you."

Half way through her shift Andy was already feeling the effects of not sleeping before her shift and was having her third cup of coffee that night when Dr. Mercier sat next to her outside in the fresh air.

"Rough night?"

"Kind of, I didn't sleep before coming in and it's killing me and this coffee isn't working for me."

"Well you shouldn't have gone out the night before."

Andy smiled, shaking her head.

"It wasn't my idea, trust me. Vivian has been stuck with her new baby, that she was desperate to have a girl's night out."

"So she's the one married and not you?"

Andy took a drink, not really knowing what to tell him.

"Okay, I get it."

"It's complicated."

"Well I'm a really good listener."

Andy laughed, getting up and throwing away her cup.

"Maybe some other time."


Andy walked away then and got back to work. Dr. Mercier finished his own coffee and followed soon after.

Andy was exhausted by the time her twelve hour shift was over and walking into her apartment she went straight to bed, forgetting to lock her door.

Austin was worried, he hadn't heard form Andy all night or morning and now it was a little past one in the afternoon, still with no word from her. Austin called his sister.

"Hey, what's up?"

"Have you heard from Andy?"

"No, but she worked a night shift, give her a couple of hours. She usually gets home and goes straight to bed, which reminds me, what the hell happen with you two yesterday?"

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