Chapter 3

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After taking quick shower, Andy made her way down in a pair of jeans and a tank top.

"I said five minutes."

"It was ten minutes, relax."

"Leave her alone honey, it's been a long day for her."

She knew what Vivian was doing and even if she could really not understand the reason for his brother's choice of wife, she appreciated it.

"Thank you Vivian... see at least she understands."

Leo let out a breath and started carving the chicken trying to forget what he got himself into.

Austin on the other end of the table was amused at how similar Leo and Andy were, but he thought Andy was much more amusing to watch.

"So I know you just got in, but since you're a new nurse and all, I thought you would want to take a walk of the hospital tomorrow."

Andy looked at Leo who was nodding at her.

"Ummm, sure."

"Great, then you'll be able to see where the hospital is at."


Andy wanted to shoot herself, how was she ever going to survive an entire day with her and talking like that?!

Andy suddenly felt a pat on her leg, making her jump and off her chair.

"Relax, it was me."

Andy's heart was beating against her chest.

"Don't do that! God you scared the shit out of me."

"I'm sorry."

She sat back down and tried to calm herself down as Austin looked at Leo with a concerned look that was equally matched by his best friend and Vivian.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, sorry I just didn't expect it that's all."

Vivian looked at her husband.

"What did you do?"

"Patted her leg."

"It's alright, this whole move has had me all jumpy, do you mind if I just went to my room?"

Leo nodded, so Andy got up as fast as she could and went into her room where she allowed herself to calm down. She hadn't felt like that since her parents died and she didn't know if it was because she hasn't had anyone touch her or because just the initial touch of where it was, was the trigger to her memories.

After dinner, Leo and Austin were in the playroom playing pool, drinking beers and going over what happened with Andy earlier.

"I don't know man, I think you need to talk to her."

"She's just been isolated so much, I'm sure it was nothing."

"You sure she's never dated anyone?"

"I'm positive or she would have told me something."

"Well you didn't tell her about Vivian so I'm pretty sure she would have done the same thing."

"Nah man, she tells me everything."

"If you say so, but when are you telling her?"

"Telling her what?"

Leo knew exactly what he was talking about, but he was just making his friend sweat.



"Leo, I swear..."

"Don't worry let her just get settled in and then I'll have a talk with her."

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