Chapter 51

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A week of not seeing her daughter and endless talks with lawyers and a migraine later Andy was sitting in front of Austin in his office.

"I thought I would have seen you sooner."


"Because I thought Mady was more important than him."

"She is, I just been thinking about what it is I'm going to do."

"And what's that?"

With a sniff she looks up at him with tears in her eyes.

"Our court date is not until another month and I can't wait that long. I miss my daughter and I know she misses me."

"Holly is taking good care of her."

"Yes, but it should be me and you just don't get that. After everything, after not being there for her all those months, you just up and take her again and it's not fair."

"You made a choice when you walked away from me."

"What about when you've walked away from me? I didn't have a choice then either. Every time Austin that I take one step forward there you are to take them back, why? What have I done that is so wrong that it makes you want to hurt me this way?"

"He's not the one for you Andy, you belong at home with us."

"Last year when I was with Carlos I wouldn't have hesitated to do so, but it's just different. I've never done anything that you didn't want me to do. When you wanted to get married, I married you. When you hid me from everyone, I hid until I found out who you were and you told me the truth, I left because you let me go... When you wanted to be my first, you were. When I was with Vincent, I know it was you who broke us up, but did I say anything, no. I've let you get away with murder back then just as long as you wanted me, but not anymore. I'm tired of being your puppy dog, I'm tired of letting you pulling me in and then dropping me in a matter of seconds because of some damn stupid reason. When you were with Shiloh I didn't say anything because you were happy. Everything to make you happy and I can't take it anymore! I just can't!"

"It's different this time."

"No it's not, stop trying to make me believe that you've changed or that it won't happen again because it will. I know you, so well that I know the next time something happens you'll just throw me back on the streets and I won't allow you to do that. We have a daughter Austin, a little girl that doesn't deserve this. Why can't you put your pride aside and just do what's best? You want to hurt me, fine do it I'm right here, but don't use Mady. Mady is our miracle baby and she doesn't deserve this."

"Exactly she doesn't deserve this, you choosing him over her!"

"I'm not choosing him over her! If this was about him, I wouldn't be here trying to talk to you! Stop using him too, this has nothing to do with him!"

"So he doesn't know you're here?"

"Of course not, are you going to tell Shiloh I'm here?"

"Shiloh is in Napa with her father, she wants to have the baby there."

"You left her didn't you?"

Austin looks away.

"Oh Austin."

"I didn't leave her, she left me. She heard us."

"Of course she did because you don't see the consequences of your actions. You don't think."

"I don't love her."

"Because you love me right?"

He looks back at her.

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