Chapter 53

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By dinner time Blaine had clearly changed his mood towards Andy and Austin could be nothing but happy about it.

"God you just can't let her have her happiness can you?"

"Oh come on Nate you can't really think that she's going to be happy with him."

"Yeah I do. You had your chance man, stick to what you've got and let her be happy, for once."

"I can't, she belongs with me and it's just a matter of time before she comes crawling back."

"You're out of your mind."

Andy was getting Mady ready when Blaine got out of the shower and into their bedroom.

"Why can't you do that in her room?"

Andy frowned picking Mady up and looking at him.

"Are you mad?"

"I'm not mad, I was just asking you a question."

"Well I didn't think you would have minded."

"Well I do."

"Okay then I'm sorry, we'll get out of your way."

Andy walked away then and Blaine grunted with frustration because he had let Austin get the better of him.

Everyone gathered around the large dinner table that was set up and Blaine and her father both sat at the foot of the table.

"I want to propose a toast to my oldest daughter Andy for being safe, healthy and back with us. It's been a rough year, but we've gotten through it and I can't be any happier to have everyone here to celebrate this occasion with us, especially now that my girl will be getting married soon."

Andy's heart was in her throat and now was in the bottom of her stomach. This was the first time she has felt scared that again she would be left just like Austin had done all those months ago, but Andy kept her smile and the hope that it wouldn't be like that.

Austin looked at the happy couple and smiles, raising his glass.

"To the happy couple."

Andy looks at him then at Blaine who is looking right at him. She tries to take his hand from under the table, but he pulls it away and gets up.

"Dig in everyone!"

Throughout dinner, the conversation was mostly about the football game that had ended just before dinner or about what new things the girls were up to. After a while Andy took Mady inside to clean her up and change her before putting her down for bed.

"Hey need help?"

Andy looked back to Austin.


He stood beside her and looked down at their daughter as she changed her.

"She's growing up so fast."


"So Christmas, what are you doing?"

"Blaine wants to go up to Connecticut to spend it with his family."

"Have you met them?"

"No, not yet, but I've spoken to his mother on the phone and Dad's really good friends with his."

"Why aren't they here?"

"I asked them, but they were already going to Aruba on their yearly trip."

"Odd that they would rather be there than here."

"Well this was last minute and we promised we would go for Christmas."

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