Chapter 55

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As soon as Blaine could, he was out of his office and on the first flight to the states, but it was still not fast enough. He sent his lawyer to make sure Andy was alright and when he was told that Andy had to be hospitalized, he panicked.

Even thousands of miles in the air, his friends and those who worked for him saw the man that they had not missed at all since meeting Andy came back to life. Blaine was in full protective mode and barking orders left and right until he arrived. As soon as he landed there was no one that could keep him away from the woman he loved. When he arrived at the hospital it was early in the morning and there was already a commotion going on in Andy's room.

"NO! NO!"

"Andy calm down, it's just a dream!"


Blaine runs in and straight for Andy, grabbing her.

"Baby, relax it's me Blaine."

That seemed to make Andy snap out of it and she was in his arms in seconds.

"Oh Blaine."

"I'm here.... I'm here."

She then started crying and Blaine held onto her, rocking her back and forth.

"I'm so proud of you. You did the right thing."

"I couldn't go back, I couldn't."

"I know baby and I'm glad you didn't. I love you."

Blaine could begin to feel Andy relax as he rocked her and scratched her head, eventually getting her back to sleep.

"Not to add to everything, but there's something you should know."

"What is it?"

"Vladimir did a bit of research and found out that Andy's mother has been involved with Carlos since Andy was sixteen. Apparently she found Carlos and "heeled" him back."

Blaine could only shake his head and look down at Andy sound asleep.

"So she's alive?"

"Very much, but she's in custody now, we had no choice, cops showed up before anyone else could."

"Get one of our friends to teach her a lesson."

"I'll call the warden."

They stood there quietly until Angelo sighed, sitting back down.

"There's also something else."


"The reason."

Blaine then gets up and places Andy back on the bed, giving her a kiss.

"Be right back baby."

He takes off his jacket and places it next to her and then motions for Angelo to step out of the room with him.

"What's the reason?"

"Well do you remember when your father used to tell us those stories about the Castro's not being able to produce any women in the family?"

"Yeah, so?"

"Andy's mother is a Castro."

"Are you telling me that Andy is a descendent of that man?"

"She doesn't know it though. I've asked and she says that she's never saw them because whenever anyone would come over, she would have to stay in her room."

Blaine couldn't believe it. He couldn't understand how someone like Andy could go through so many lies and yet still be able to get through it all.

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