Chapter 27

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Austin adopted the second puppy with Andy and the joy that it brought both the puppies and his future wife allowed him to give thanks to god for allowing him to be able to do this for Andy.

Tonight they were having everyone over for a barbeque to introduce the puppies and to announce that they were getting married... again.

Andy was finishing up the potato salad when she felt light headed. Closing her eyes she embraced herself against the counter and took deep breaths. She figured it was because of the wine she was having.

"Knock knock!"

Andy opened her eyes and went to the door, letting Vivian and Chloe come in.


She hugged them both and let them in.

"Where's my brother?"

"Outback with the guys where else?"

"Good, did you bring it?"

"It's being delivered."


In the mist of everything she still managed to remember Austin's birthday and because he was flying out to California for business, she was able to get him the perfect gift before he left and tonight she was celebrating it with all their friends and family.

She had baked all his favorites and hid them in the guys house where she also had a special cake for him, she just hoped they didn't eat it all after she made them promise not to touch anything.

"Where's the cake?"

"Nate has it at his house with everything else. I was just waiting for you to get here so I can send Austin and Leo to get something for me."

"Sneaky you."

Andy winked and went out back.

"Hey love, can you run to the store for me and get me some frosting? I made cake and I forgot all about the toping."

"Sure, what kind?"

"Just pick your favorite."

"Did you make chocolate, chocolate chip?"


"Alright, I'll be right back."


Without any doubt, he got into his car. As soon as he was out of the drive way, Andy called Nate and with everyone's help they set up the back yard.

What she didn't expect was for her to suddenly feel sick.

"Are you alright?"

She could feel it coming up and quickly ran to the restroom, letting the contents of her stomach go.

"Andy are you alright?"

"Yeah, I think it was the wine."

"Did you drink without eating again?"

Andy washed her mouth and came out.


"You're not starving yourself are you?"

Andy smirked.

"Does it look like I am? In fact I'm getting fatter, all I do is eat."

"Tell me about it, when I was prenan..."

Suddenly Vivian knew what she said and stopped herself.

"You know what never mind."

Vivian knew she said too much and tried to cover it up by taking her outside just as Austin was pulling up.

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