Chapter 35

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Andy was soar, exhausted and worn out from her trip, but just like everything else it didn't go without it's events. Though she didn't give up, it wasn't easy taking a new born baby to another state. Eventually they got home to find her apartment empty.

"I had it moved."

Andy turned around ready to open her mouth, but she was stopped.

"I didn't know what Austin said to you until I spoke to him and although I don't blame him, there's no reason for him to threaten you that way."

"Where are my things?"

"Charity, trash, you name it, it went."

"Those were my things."

"Anything of value was saved and put into your new apartment"


"I will not allow my great grandchild to live in a place like this; you should know that by now."

"I appreciate what you're doing, but I have reasons why I'm here."

"Carlos I know. I promise you, he will not know where you are."

"I'm sorry, but I don't believe that."

"You're scared I get it, but you can't give up now. That little girl needs you more than ever."

"I know, but how can I stay strong when I can't catch a break?"

"I'm giving you that break and I suggest you take it."

"Do I have a choice?"

"You know that answer to that."

Andy didn't know exactly where they were going, but she knew they were heading out of San Francisco.

"Take a nap, you look tired."

"I can't, she'll be up in twenty minutes for her feeding."

He could see her fear in her eyes and it reminded him a lot of Austin's mother in her, but she was stronger, she just needed to have faith in herself.

After several hours, two feedings and a nap, they arrived at their destination.

"Where are we?"'

"Los Angeles."

He helped her out with the baby and he waited for her to take her back, but she didn't which meant she trusted him and that pleased him. He wanted her to trust him.

"This way."

They went into a very luxurious building and took an elevator up after pressing a code.

"You'll need to change the code when you learn the security system, until then it's Caldwell in numbers."

Andy nodded and tried not to look so afraid. When they arrived, the doors opened to an apartment, a very beautiful Apartment.

"It's beautiful."

"There's plenty of room for you and the baby."

The first thing that popped into her head was how she was going to afford it, but he beat her too it.

"The year has been paid for. I'm sure you'll be more than capable of affording it after that. Victor has told me how well you sing and the offers that are coming in for you."

"It was a favor."

"Well I suggest you use it to your advantage."

Andy didn't want to talk about it, so she said nothing and allowed him to give her a tour of the place.

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