The Rise Of The Prince

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3rd person POV:

(Unknown location)

A male figure in crimson garments pulls a device out of some kind of machine that seems quite old.

???:(smiles) I must say, I've impressed myself.

??? 2: And betrayed us all...

???: Oh?

Turning around, the crimson garment man saw 20 other people that he recognized.

???: Why hello everyone. How did you know I was here?

??? 2: Does it matter.

???: It matters to me...

??? 3: What is the meaning of this Joker?! You told us you destroyed the Nindavellir!

Joker;(chuckles) No, no, no. I told you all, no one will ever be able to use it again.

??? 2: Except for you?

Joker: Obviously. Did I fail to imply that properly 900 years ago?

??? 2: You did.

Joker: My sincerest apologies, in that case. I'll try to be clearer next time.

??? 4: There won't be, a next time. You broke the secret law. You forged another Crown!

Joker: "Broke the secret law"? You're exaggerating my old friend. I simply bent the rules somewhat to keep a promise.

Joker: We did the same when we made the second Crown. This is no different.

??? 2: Last time we did it together. This time you did it behind our backs.

Joker: Forgive me. But I had to.

??? 5: Why?

Joker:... I can't tell you that, as of right now. But I will, and you all will understand.

??? 2: That's not good enough.

Joker: Come time for the funeral, and you'll change your tune. Until then, take care of the Prince and Princess.

Joker: Bon voyage!

??? 2: Get him!


Early in the morning, in a teenage room, it was peaceful and quiet until the one thing that made any teens heart sink and feels crushed began blaring




It was the annoying alarm clock of one Yn A. Rex. A tall lean teen, with brown hair and tired eyes, grabbed the alarm and glared at it with hate and disdain.

Yn: You dare disturb my slumber?


Yn: I should have you executed and replace with my phone.


Yn:... Sound argument. I shall keep you until you break... Now be gone!

Shutting it off, he tosses it across the room.

Yn:(sigh)... Enough of that...time to wake up.

Sitting up, Yn stretches his arms.

Yn: Freaking Friday's, such a tease of freedom.

Getting out of his bed and traversing his messy room, Yn gets himself dressed and in front of a mirror.

(Yn A. Rex)

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