"33 this year, your highness!"

"..." Hanyu glared at the man, "And you still can't control my brother?! How come you're so useless?! My mother must have wasted a lot of money on you, hasn't she? Do you want to go back to being a slave?!"

Shao Lan shook his head and hit it on the ground again. His forehead now started turning red and he was quivering as soon as he heard Hanyu raise his voice.

"Answer me!"

"A-absolutely not, your highness. I'd rather die."

"Die? If you're so eager to die, why don't I help you?"


"Tell me why you failed to do your job! Why is my brother in jail?"

Shao Lan suddenly wondered how blind this man was. His love for his brother had blinded him into thinking that his brother was an innocent toddler that would never make trouble if people were there to guide him.

He was so goddamn wrong!

His brother was a devil born with an angel's face! He was evil and would never listen to anyone no matter how much a person yelled or pleaded.

If Shao Lan had such a brother, he would've sent him to a strict teacher and got him fixed up instead of blaming others for not looking after him.

It wasn't like any of this was Shao Lan's mistake nor was it neglect on behalf of the shadow guards.

Even if they wanted to stop Taehyung, how could they?

"Well... A-as you've heard, there are a lot of reasons why he's in-"

"I don't want to hear that bullshit again!" Hanyu cut him off, "Tell me the real reason!"

At this moment Shao Lan stood up and bowed in a ninety-degree manner as he apologized beforehand for what he was about to say next.

"I believe this was all that dictator's plan."


Shao Lan nodded his head as he spoke, "It was certainly planned!"

"What plan?"

"Young master has been his target since day one. He might be using this method to trap young master and..."


Shao Lan gulped as he continued, "And to force him."

"Force him?" Hanyu seemed to be confused with the meaning behind the words.

"Force him to... You know... That sort of stuff." Shao Lan responded carefully.

Hanyu gritted his teeth, "Stop talking nonsense!"

Shao Lan unconsciously took a step back as he heard the anger laced along with the man's words.

"That man is not that low. Even if he tried to force Tae, my brother wouldn't stand for it!"

Shao Lan wondered if he should correct Hanyu's misunderstandings.

His brother won't stand for it?
Just how misinformed was he?
His brother would definitely promote it even more!

Hanyu turned around as he spoke, "You people are useless!"

Shao Lan accepted the curses that were aimed at him without bothering to deny it even though he was sure that none of this was his fault.

"I'll wait. I'll wait for him to get out of jail and when he does," he side glared at the people as he continued, "Your punishment would be decided."

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