Poopy Gun

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Poopy Gun POV

I started my life out as a plastic toy ina. Dollar treeein America
My life consisted of staying in a box with my other plastic friends until summer time I assume
Don’t question how I know what summer is
I was picked up and purached for 1.25 by a small ugly boy with blue eyes and green hair
When I arrived at home I was proceeded to be shoved up his arse in his kiddie pool
My insides were filled with chunky pieces of Shri and water  that were squirted at his mother
That night I planned my revenge
It was about 3am (smile dog hours) and I was ready to get that ugly boy back
I made my way through the kitchen (because I was thrown into the garage after what I assume was the parent smelt my poopy aurmoa)
The boys door was cracked open so I proceeded to take my levitation body and enter this boys room
I heard the theme of sonic 6ft underground coming from the boys small hand device which I assumed was a bomb 2 kill me
I slid my small figure down into the boys covers and through his pajama paint legs
The boy seemed to be holding his nose as I was inside his boxers (possibly from the dowel stench)
I shoved my small figure without hestiation into the small boys odd hole that I found down there
He let out a unsatisfactory sound that sounded like “HUGGGGH OH MY BUTTCHEEK ON A STICK”
I proceed to squirt the leftover filthy water into this humans weird area
I ventured in deeper to this place I was now in, this human kept making disgusting and painful sounds and crying for this “mommy” figure?
I found myself in a dark place but then I heard crunchy sounds as I kept going what I assumed was up
The human moved many tumes while I was thinking about how I couldn’t smell, but then I realized I’m a green shoo5ing device, I can’t smell??
I eventually made my red covered exit out the  other whole of the body’s body and the mother figure let out the same stupid disgusting utterly ridiculous sound of what I think was disgust? I am not sure but I’d be sure since it surely
Was very dark wherever I may have been
I sought out to enter as many holes I Could infect, I think I got my venagnce on that poopy boy that harmed me because he didn’t move when i levitated past his mother out the window
My journey as a plastic surgeon has been Greta, sadly all my patients had horrible infections and died from it
I got wrested and sentenced 2 death but I escaped cause i LEvitewd away
My life will never be complete cause I do miss that boy that stuck his human fences into me and made me who I am now
A gun on  the run

Now you may be wondering how I typed this story as a wategun, why I used the pieces of poo from the water gun that hardened to push the keys on the keyboard to sub,it it to wattpad

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