"Okay breath. Come on, in." I said while I grabbed her shoulders to look at me. "Out." I said breathing into her red face.

"Look I had a panic attack, apparently I have been under too much stress. I'm going for jogs in the mornings now to realese stress and be fit. Apparently I should also go on a diet. Now why on earth are you up at 4 thirty?" I say calmly. I mean let's face it, I'm only up because if I didn't get up by myself Eliot would have done something drastic.

Georgia bites her lip and goes to the tea kettle on the stove. "Well, ever since I was little neither I or my brother have slept well. Its nothing serious its just we don't get as much sleep as everyone else." Then she starts to put water and loose tea leaves in the kettle. "I mean I guess that's why I'm so serious all the time, because even though I can't control my sleep I can control my life." She turns the knob and a fire starts. She turns to me, "Why don't we have breakfast after your run?"

I stare at her stunned. I never knew she had insomnia. Yeah it didn't change her, but she seemed almost sad about it. Why is she so upset?

"Yeah, yeah of course. I'll just be on my way." I smile at her nerviously. But then I do something out of character for myself. I go up to her and rap my arms around her shoulders. I place a kiss on her fore head and put my chin on head.

She's still for a moment, then wraps her arms around my wait and baries herself in my shoulder.

   How can these people be monsters?
       47 48 49 50. There I'm done.

I pick myself up from the floor after having done all required push ups. My arms hurt like fuck.

"There. I've ran around the school five times. Have done twenty pull ups. Thirty sit ups and now fifty push ups. Ask me to do one more thing, I fricken dare you. " then point an accusing finger at the black haired boy.

He doesn't even look up from his phone as he reaponds. "No Rosalinda, that's it. We can go eat now." Then he finally gets his ass off the bench and pockets his phone.

I shake my head, " Can't, I already have prior engagements this morning. And having to walk all the way to the cafe would really just kill me. Oh yeah, and I have seen your face way to much these past few days then I prefer." I said rolling my eyes.

Everything I said was true, well at least wanted to be true anyway. Then I turned and started walking back.

"Wait!" He called out. "There is one more thing I need you to do before you leave." I turned and raised an eyebrow.

He walked back to the bench and patted next to him. I sighed and slugishly my way there.

Once we were sitting next to each other (at an appropriate distance) he took out his phone.

"I need you to finish this level." He said as he dropped the phone onto my hand.

I stared at him, then rolled my eyes. "Your funny, you know that?" Then I started laughing. "Ah, no I'm leaving. Why the hell would I want to do this bull shit 'exercise'" I said have air quotes.

He smirked. "Its part of your mental exercise's. We can't just train your body." Then sat back and watched me.

I groaned, I was always good at video games how hard can it- I stopped mix thought as I saw what game it was.

Aa, the new video game. I was playing it a while ago but stopped after fifty. But no, no no no no noooooo, Eliot was on 67.

Did you hear that?

It was the sound of my ego breaking in half.

I didn't look up at him as I pressed play. It went patronizingly slow in the first few seconds. I even managed to get three in. But then my safe sence of security was taken away in a blink of an eye as it moved at lighting speed. I failed.

I pressed play, then continued to play this stupid game. I hit one dead on the spot. What is wrong with people inventing stupid games games this?

As much as I would love to say that on my third try I finally won, oh how I would wish that was actually true. But it isn't, because I failed another twelve times (I was actually counting so I would know how many stabs I would give him).

"That's is, no we've been here way longer than normal screw this." I said as I reached my hand out to give it to him. The fucker didn't take it!

"No." He said simply. "We aren't leaving this spot till you finish that level. Or until I'm finally bored." He said giving me a wicked smile.

At that point I was fuming. To hell with the world if I have to deal with this guy. "You know what? I've been training so hard that maybe you should practice these methods."then before he could stop me I chucked his phone into some trees.

"Ro-Rosalinda!" Then he got up and starred me straight in the eyes. "Fine you want to go? Go, but just remember its not nice to string people along if you have intentions of throwing them back." He sneered at me as he went jogging to the woods.

What the fuck crawled up his ass and died?

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