"Well what is this meeting about?" Annabeth asked. I looked at her with rage. Nyx looked at me and knew what i was thinking so she spoke.

"Well Apollo says that kronos is back" Nyx said. Everyone looked at Apollo to see if this was true.

"Ah well certainly he is. Mount Othrys has been increasing in power. As i was setting down the sun i saw kronos talking to Atlas i think. He wasn't under the sky no more. It was someone else but i could not see their face. Whatever it is he had an army at the base and somehow Ladon the dragon was also in the army because he wasn't in his cave no more" Apollo said. Everyone shocked to the news knowing that all of this was dangerous and kronos probably had a plan to destroy us.

"Well the good news is that their will be a prophecy so we can probably stop Kronos or something" i said. Everyone stared at me like if i was crazy.

"if their is a new prophecy that would mean losing campers" said the head of the Hephaestus cabin.

"Well we don't know what the prophecy is about or do we Apollo?" Chiron asked.

"Well we can let someone go see the oracle" Apollo suggested. All the boys called dibs to visit Rachel at the cave.

"Ill go" i said and flashed out of the room. I appeared right in front of Rachel. She was reading a mythology book on the primordials with the cover picture of chaos. She looked the same as she did a century ago.

"AHHH WHO ARE YOU?" Rachel screamed. She grabbed her book as defense.

"Uh well i am Omega 10th primordial" i told her. She looked at me mysteriously still figuring out if i was telling the truth. I had no patience left for this so i grabbed her by the waist and teleported us to the council room.

"What took so long?" Dionysus said.

"Ah shut up wine guy" i said. Everyone looked shock that i insulted the director of camp.

"AHH I WILL SMASH YOU INTO PIECES" Dionysus said but right as he took his vines of his i took out my sword and put it on his throat. The room was silence. No one talked as i was about to kill the god.

"Ahh well whos talking now eh?" i said laughing.

"OMEGA THAT IS ENOUGH!" Nyx screamed. This was basically a reality show now. I forgot i was still holding Rachel and i put her down. I put my sword back and threw Dionysus onto his chair. he just looked down in defeat.

"Well can we get back to the meeting my lord?" Chiron asked. I looked at him and nodded and went back to my seat. I looked at Nyx and she looked mad. I stared at her but she ignored me.

"HELLO why am i here now? and hi Lord Apollo" Rachel said.

"hello my fellow oracle. We need you because there might be another prophecy" Apollo said.

"no wonder i felt so bad all morning i thought it was because of him coming" she said pointing at me.

"ME WHAT DO I HAVE TO DO WITH YOU FEELING BAD!" i screamed. That's when i realized i sounded like Zeus.

"Ah my bad miss oracle" i said bowing down.

"why are you so rude?" Annabeth commented. I didn't speak because i had enough of these demigods.

"Well give me a few minutes" Rachel said and we all sat in silence. Dionysus started drinking and Chiron started complaining about some stupid camp rules. Apollo was playing on his new iPhone 20x. After a while Rachel started shaking and her eyes started glowing green. And she spoke:

Four will go into the west, One meets their other half, the west rises, one shall go down in the hands of time.

Everyone was in silence and no one spoke.

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