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art creds: @/_dai_dai__ on Twitter!
[a/n: this is the longly-awaited for chapter, honestly I've never had a bf in my life so I don't really know much about feelings and crushes, so the letter might be bad. Honestly I went off what I think Sakusa would say or feel. So yeah, I hope you enjoy it <3]

Dear y/n,
Uh hi, uhm this might be a bit awkward and sorry if this is bad but, I like you.

A lot. I've never had feelings for anyone, I always thought relationships were gross and things like feelings were never something I had to worry about.

Because of my phobia not a lot of girls confessed. They probably thought I was too much of a burden.

I have a lot fan girls because of my looks which I don't really understand, I'm pretty average looking.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't expect you to like me back, but I do have these feelings that I wanted vent.

And I've also never felt like this so I don't know how to be 'a good boyfriend' but I'm willing to try for you. [that's cheesy sorry]

I'm a freak, I hate germs, and I'm selfish. But if you still like me after that and would like to be together, I don't really know what I would do.

I mean, your amazing. Your studying to be a nurse and your really good at your art, you look out after other people even if you don't have to. Your a great friend to Komori and a great cook [thanks for dinner the other night] not that's why I like you. I have a thousand reason why I like you. And I don't think I could really put it into words how you make me feel. But it's like every time you enter a room my heart swells and my hands get sweaty.

I remember when you helped out of a crowd even though you were chatting with your friends. [sorry for pulling you away] you gave hand sanitizer. You knew I hated crowds and you didn't criticize me phobia.

Not to mention the many times you've limited yourself for my comfort. Like when you wear masks with me when we go out because you know I hate the germs. Or when you always carry hand sanitizer and wipes incase I run out.

This is long I'm sorry. But continuing.

Every time I hear your laugh it feels like I'm sick. I can feel my checks reddened and my heart rate sky-rocket.

I hate that you make me feel vulnerable and weak, but I also free with you. Like I can tell you anything with out being judged. Those are some of the reason I like you.

I get that I'm a freak and can't really communicate with people and I hate human touch. But I wouldn't mind if it was you..

So if you could, I would like to avoid any awkward situations and write a letter back either rejecting my feelings or accepting them?

With love,
Sakusa (Omi)

'Sakusa Kiyoomi likes ME?!' You thought.

You stood and ran to your desk. 'Alright this is fine, I just need to write a letter saying that I like him too- wait! I need to call the girls.' You thought.

You took out your phone and sent the 'sos' in the girls group chat. You started a facetime call and immediately they answered.

"WHAT WHO DIED?! DO WE NEED A SHOVEL?" Aiko asked "are you okay?! Did something happened you never type the sos" Emiko said, worried.

"I think I'm gonna have a heart attack" you said "DO WE TO CALL AN AMBULANCE?!" Emiko said.



"Oh my god! I'm so happy for you!" Emiko said. "He wrote me a letter" you said. "A LETTER- GIRL YOU BETTER ACCEPT THAT CONFESSION OR I WILL" Aiko said. You chuckled. "What should I write?" You asked.

"Something heart-felt" Emiko said. Aiko was stuffing a cookie down hee throat but she nodded. Agreeing with Emiko's idea. "Okay, I'll call you back when I'm done" you said "bye- DHAHVFJSB" Aiko chocked (rip Aiko) "bye~" Emiko said.

'Heart-felt? I don't know what that means! Ugh, dammit y/n. Okay it's fine, no matter what you write it'll still be you saying you like him back.' You thought.
You sighed and put the letter in an envelope. 'Now all I have to do is slide it under his door, it's almost six so I have to hurry' you thought.

You opened your door entering the hallways and slid the envelope holding your letter under his door.

You ran back inside your room, locking your door and jumped on your bed 'I feel like I'm in high school again' you thought.

meanwhile at msby black jackals practice~

"I should've never listened to you" Sakusa said. He had been stressing the entire practice. "C'mon man, even if she rejects you, she'll be nice about it" Atsumu said. "that's just it, I don't want her to be reject me" Sakusa said.

"Well it's already done-" Atsumu was cut off.

"Practice is over, take a shower you all stink" the captain said. "Shit" Sakusa cursed under his breath.

He went to the locker room and took a shower and changed into his clothes and grabbed his gym bag.

He walked to his car and saw the sun setting. He hurried and took of his mask, starting the car.

Once he got home he entered the house and was greeted by Komori "she saw it, she saw it!" He whispered "she saw what?!" Sakusa whispered-yelled.

"The letter!" Komori said. Sakusa's eyes widened. He ran up the stairs and ran into his room. He scanned his room. Not on his desk.

Not on his bed.

Not on his dresser.

He sighed, 'where'd she put it-' he stopped thinking when he saw the white envelope on his floor.

He almost fell to his knees and ran to the letter.

He opened the envelope and saw a paper. He leaned against his foot and opened it.

Dear Sakusa...

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