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————————————————————Apartment 4F━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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Apartment 4F

My mind was completely off it's hinges, I couldn't stop re-thinking the moment and internally screaming, I almost screamed physically. The knocking interrupted my thinking and made me spark with panic as I ran full speed at the door, ignoring the consequences. Afterwards, it hit me like a brick when my brain was finally screwed back into place and an immense amount of pain ran up my nose. From the other side of the door was a muffled, 'Miya?', before the knocking continued again.

"Yeah—yup! Coming." I murmured in pain as my nose began to spew blood. "Shit." I laid on the floor, next to the gray door, counting my reasons not to panic and pass out. Another faint knock rested on the door and I jerked up— the blood almost dripped onto my shirt but I blocked the flooding with my hand. I braced myself for evacuation as soon as I put my hand on the warm door knob. It swung open with a twist and a pull and my legs led me down my hallway in a flash.

I could hear him calling my name but eventually, it stopped. My breath went back to normal when I felt secure enough in the small yet spacious baby blue bathroom. Instantly, my fingers switched on the faucet and I began rinsing my hand off to wash off the blood, knowingly letting the blood drip out from my nose onto the quartz sink. And for my nose, I swiped at the blood, making some of it turn into droplets of water and the red substance. I turned the faucet off with my pupils locked on my reflection staring at me through my mirror, and I just stared at the wet, disarrayed blood stuck above my top lip.

My god, you are such a wreck. No wonder why he chose to cheat on you, how could he ever think of you as his lover? You're just pathetic.

He ate me up with every second he got, I began disconnecting from reality, drifting back into the daunting ocean of hurt and sorrow. I swam deep into the eerie water with just a breath of oxygen in my lungs— then I fell. I landed on rock hard stone. From arms reach was a colorful box that only released bad juju from it's place. Poof! A joker. It was a jack in the box; the thing him and I hated the most; clowns. At first there was a true upside frown on my lips, however, the good memories evaporated from my head and the bad ones began to sneak in.

I didn't mean to, it's was just a mistake!

Come on, let's move past this baby.

Forgive me already.

You're so dramatic, just break up with me already.

Whatever, I like him better than you anyways.

Goodbye, Atsumu.

I finally had enough. My smile turned into a row of gritted teeth and I used my hands to crawl towards the devilish box, I yanked it from the stone ground and ripped the teasing clown out of it's socket. I blinked once again— flinching at my sudden reflection in the mirror. I sighed heavily and wiped the remaining blood from my philtrum.

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