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I remained on my side of the table for obvious reasons, the man needed to breathe, not be smuggled. "Do you mind telling me what the message said, Ki.?" I found myself slowly melting into his appearance. It wasn't just a one time thing, he was really the embodiment of an angel, a pierced one. The man I knew before, the man I texted every day and called every now and then, was gone. And the man before my eyes now was like an impostor— who is he? He isn't the man I know. The man who acts all cold and distant was long gone and I noticed that. His new form was coming out of it's shell and it was far more heartbreaking that anything I've ever witnessed.

"S-she wants to meet up.." The man's stutter shattered my heart into pieces, and it was all her fault. That woman was the devil in disguise, a spawn of Satan. I evolved from my seat and disappeared behind the front desk. I put together some hot chocolate for the both of us, however, my mind was steadily losing stability and I was getting sidetracked. My mind snapped back into place when he called out my name. "..What do you think I should do.." I nearly huffed out from my nose because of my growing hatred for the situation.

I was losing my mind by the second but I played it off like I wasn't and poured the substance into two separate mugs. "Well, if you really want my advice, I would go. Why? Because that way you can confront her and move on with your life." I tried too hard to hide my scowl. Just by talking about her makes me wanna jump off a bridge. Clearly my response made him wonder for a bit, judging from his intense staring focused on his mug.

"If decide to- can you accompany me?" His pretty nails drew circles on the tip of the mug, that's when my heart lit up. "Yes! Of course I will!" I wasn't happy to see her, I was happy because this was an open opportunity for me to finally meet the girl so I could violently degrade her, in the bad way.

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