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————————————————————Messages between annoying pest guy & Kiyoomi

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Messages between annoying pest guy & Kiyoomi. S

annoying pest guy:
Word of advice, don't get back with her.
Trust me on this.

Kiyoomi. S is now online!

Kiyoomi. S:
why should i? i don't know you.

annoying pest guy:
Hi, I'm Atsumu Miya. I'm 23.
I work at one of thee most shittiest bakeries
in Japan and I'm attracted to the
male species.

Kiyoomi. S:
you're gay?

annoying pest guy:
Depends, are you a homophobe? 🤔

Kiyoomi. S:
not at all, i've just never met someone
attracted to guys before..

annoying pest guy:
Oh yay! I feel special :)
Now that I think about it, you should definitely
drop that basic heterosexual shiz &
transfer over here, the grass
is greener ! 😈

Kiyoomi. S:
no thank you, i'll stick to being straight.

annoying pest guy:
..What's it gonna take for your brain to acknowledge
that staying with someone like her won't be good
for your mental stability.

Kiyoomi. S:

annoying pest guy:
How many times do I have to say it; forget about
that girl, quit being so stubborn and listen.
I know what I'm talking about because I've been there.

I know what you're going through, I get that you want
to stay but we both know, deep inside you, your
heart's begging you not to.

Kiyoomi. S:
how am i supposed to trust you..?

annoying pest guy:
Forget about that word! Just believe in me, I promise you,
I keep my word. You WILL get better if you just leave

Kiyoomi. S:

annoying pest guy:

Kiyoomi. S:

Kiyoomi. S has gone offline!

annoying pest guy:

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