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The night was young when we were together, swaying peacefully down the roads of Tokyo with smiles on our faces, you forgot about her so quickly, that was one of the real reasons I was smiling. I was nineteen when I got cheated on— I walked in on him dicking down one of my old coworkers, one of the other reasons the grin never left my face was because I wanted to ensure you that I wouldn't leave you, because you've felt my pain before.

You took me to see the sunset near the bayside of this big lake that had this super clear and pretty water where you could see the fishes swimming around, it was magical. I met you exactly fifteen days ago, in a feud between you and your significant other because you found out she was cheating on you, I couldn't be more lucky when I received that text.

I went to sleep that day thinking about you, praying and hoping you hadn't blocked me or deleted my number yet because I was genuinely intrigued by you. I've been single for five years— all alone, barely any close friends besides my brother and his crush, but regardless, I left love in the dust and instead waited for the right person to come along. I think that person is Kiyoomi Sakusa, I couldn't stop myself from smiling whenever I was near him because I kept thinking about the possibility he was my destined soulmate.

He's the main reason I still have a smile on my face.

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