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My keys dangled from the tip of my pinkie finger and swung itself round and around as I entered the elevator. What were the chances he'd move here— I was caught by surprise myself. A part of the elevator rung and startled my bothered thoughts into causing my body to spark with surprise. I nervously stumbled out the warm conveyor, absently swiping glances at our shared texts in fright. I wasn't completely sure why I was afraid, though I managed to be anyways.

I showed up at his door and knocked intently, with my gaze burning into the keycard entry system. I had a card for that, just like everyone who lived in the building, including Kiyoomi. The door knob hesitantly twisted and the door swung free, behind the tall door frame stood the charming male with his plump lips and springy curls.

"Hey! Uhm- come in!" I subtly chuckled at his red complexion. If I had to compare our apartments to point out the differences, I'd point out the open paint buckets and radio playing Bruno Mars. I pivoted with a witty smile, "Thought you liked Big time rush?" I slid off the slightly heavy tote bag on the glass countertop with another fresh laugh. His apartment reminded me of summer mornings that everybody yearned for; productive beginning, nice weather, lemonade and crowded pools.

"Ha-ha, very funny. You forced me into listening to new music." He rolled his eyes playfully.

"Yeah whatever, you needed it." I guess we were so acquainted to one another that asking to use the bathroom was a no-go and unnecessary. I left my bag in the open and ran down the hall in search to find the bathroom.

The man with the curly head of hair was left unaccompanied and simply just sighed, heading for the numerous bags of groceries on the counter. He came across the former's bag, something specifically caught his eye that made him stop. He didn't mean to snoop or anything but when he caught a glimpse of the card he used to access his apartment, he literally froze mid-step.

Kiyoomi hastily swiped the card from it's place, alertly looking out for Atsumu. 'MORBZ,' the name of the building he lived in— Apartment 4F, floor three; that was right below him. From a safe distance, the toilet flushed which made the man jump in panic, he chipped his nail with how fast he put the card back.

The fuzzy blonde boy evolved from the hallway with a grin, "What should we do first?"

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