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————————————————————STROVAR - Local Restaurant━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━

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STROVAR - Local Restaurant

We had just arrived at the restaurant and the man beside me was already slowing down in his tracks. I was tired of having to stop and wait for him so I turned around and looked the man in his breathtaking pupils. "Stop hiding behind your own shadow and man up, Ki. She's not a rabid animal who's gone loose, she's a cheater, the person who broke your heart. Don't be scared of that kind of person!" After what I did on our call, it felt like my privileges were taken away from me. Every time our eyes connected my stomach did this thing where I felt like I was being stabbed, it hurt so bad that sometimes I had to look away.

"You have me, remember?" I smiled sadly when my hand paused over his shoulder, I was reminded of his mysophobia, I don't have the right to lay a finger on his charming physique. As for when he put his palm over the back of my hand and forced it down— I got butterflies.

"Thank you." The way his thumb caressed my Ivory skin and that endearing facial expression glued to his face whenever he took his time to stare at me, made me feel special in a way. We broke apart from our gaze and continued walking into the establishment. Instantly, a squeal came from the opposite direction of our glances, almost in sync, both of our heads turned it's way.

"Baby!" There was a slim-fitted petite woman who looked about our age, waving eagerly to get our attention. She motioned for her, 'boyfriend', to come her way. I don't think she was aware I'd be tagging along. Kiyoomi reluctantly continued walking the direction she was seated and I hurriedly came up behind him and matched his pace. The woman's expression faltered in confusion as we reached the table together. "Who's this?"

"My friend, Atsumu. We're going somewhere after this so I decided to bring him along." I smiled plastically at her, earning a crooked smile from her. Before he sat, he wiped the chair down with the baby wipes he carried around all day long. "What'd you want to talk about?" I could've almost broke out into laughter but I restrained myself. The surrounding decorations and slow music gave off a luxurious vibe and so did her choice of wear. She was suited in a nice slip dress whilst we were wearing baggy street-wear, I chuckled.

"Us! Last night after I got back from my mom's place, I couldn't get into our apartment and ended up having to stay at the hotel down the street." She was awkwardly positioned, re-adjusting her posture every two minutes.

"Oh I already knew about that, I changed the locks." My eyes were wide open at this point and my hand was over my mouth in surprise. I was silently rooting for the man. Tomiko on the other hand was blinking faster than a bird in distress. "What? Why?! You should've told me first, that's not something you do on your own!"

"It's my loft not yours." Ki was on a roll today, he had her sweating a ton. Somehow a smile managed to creep up on my face but I wasn't ashamed enough to hide it from her, instead I showed it off. "It's our loft, Sakusa."

"It stopped being our home when you stopped loving me."

"Cut it out! What're you trying to say, I don't love you anymore?! Because I do so what're you talking about right now." I felt the confidence leave the man's body. The way he breathed sped up, his blinking doubled, and he swallowed more. And I didn't know what to do, I was just a bystander in the situation until he grabbed my hand for support. That was the exact second I knew we weren't just friends, I didn't know what we were, but just friends wasn't the way to describe it.

"..Tell that to the landlord's son, Oda." I'm not sure who Oda was but I'm pretty sure it's her surname. He squeezed my hand when he did, it kind of hurt me, not physically but internally because this woman was hurting him more than she could comprehend. She didn't just cheat, she tore his heart apart and discarded it like absolute garbage.

"What does h-he have to do with this? Keep him out of this, asshole." I picked up on her breath hitching, I took advantage of it and her vulnerable state and inclined forward. "Watch what you say." My hand unconsciously formed into a fist like my face unintentionally turned scarier when I looked her in the eyes. Her forearm rubbed against her silky dress, "Fuck off, both of you, we're done Kiyoomi." She left the table with one last bratty eyeroll that would probably haunt the man beside me.

I turned my body to prove my theory but I was met with a happy little smile on his lips, he was already staring at me when I looked. "Thank you for coming, I feel much better." Our hands were still entangled but it took me longer to notice than most people. It all clicked together when he stood up from his seat, the smile was growing wider by the second. "We have somewhere to be."

My jaw nearly dropped in shock, "You weren't just saying that as an excuse?!" He shook his head proudly and I laughed it off, "Such a clever man you are, Ki."

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