A theory raises questions

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When he finished, Remus swallowed.
“Merlin, I really need to teach you how to protect yourself from these beasts. they must definitely not come too close to you. "
Harry had leaned partly against Blacky and partly against Severus. He felt comfortable with both of them. Remus was nice too, but he didn't know him very well. in order not to completely disturb the man's inner wolf, however, he let him hold one of his hands. A weird feeling. But better than him would be dragged back onto the man's lap. He really didn't feel like doing that now.

it took a while until Harry had calmed down enough that he could continue speaking.
"Professor Snape, would you do me a big favor?"
"What do you want?"
"Show me your left forearm, please."
severus was completely taken by surprise by the request.
"Why do you want to see my arm?"
Harry smiled shyly at him.
“You know that. You were once one of the Death Eaters. And they all had one thing in common. "
The teacher sighed.
"Yes, but that was a long time ago."
"I know, but please."
At the pleading look, the man unbuttoned his shirt and rolled up his sleeve.
Harry looked at the skin on his forearm. he reached out and ran his hand lightly over the flawless skin.
The other two couldn't look away either.
"Where is it?" Remus wanted to know.
Severus smirked.
"Disappeared, just like its maker."
“But I thought the Dark Mark would only fade away. Dumbledore always said that. He said that as soon as the nameless one was back, the time would also be darker again. "
Severus looked disapprovingly at the werewolf.
"The old man was wrong there, supposed to happen more often."
Harry looked questioningly at his teacher.
“Why did the Ministry arrest you at the time? You were a spy and had a flawless arm. There was no reason to arrest her. "
the teacher snorted.
“After the war, the Ministry wanted all Death Eaters to disappear as soon as possible. They didn't even take the time to check if someone had the mark. anyone they thought was a Death Eater or a black magician wandered into the burrow. As the Muggles say so beautifully. "
Blacky had leaned forward and licked Severus' still bare arm.
when Harry looked more closely, he saw scars on that arm as well. They were probably from Snape's father too. He turned quickly so that Remus couldn't see it. He knew his teacher was embarrassed about the injuries. he felt the same way with the souvenirs he got from the Dursleys.
Severus, of course, had noticed his student's movement. It was also clear to him what the little one was trying to achieve with it.
he pulled his sleeve back down and stroked the child's head. Harry smiled contentedly.

Remus interrupted the two.
"How did you know Severus no longer has a mark? You didn't seem surprised. "
Harry shrugged.
“Hermione, Ron and I have been studying Voldemort very intensively since our first year. Natural behavior when the guy tries to kill you. of course there were a lot of reports about this magical tattoo and a lot of theories. One more stupid than the other. The most likely for us was that the mark is exactly the same as the name of the monster. the two spells only exist as long as the man exists. "
Severus nodded.
"You mean the Lord is dead, then you can pronounce his name safely."
Harry nodded.
“But that can't be right. the mark is gone but the threat is still there, "Remus said.
"The threat does, but not Voldemort," Harry corrected.
Now his three companions looked at him questioningly.
“I don't want to disillusion you, but have you forgotten the last two years? You have faced the Lord every year of your school years. ”Severus couldn't believe Harry had forgotten that.
However, he only nodded.
“That's why I spoke of a threat. But honestly? I never really saw Voldemort. In the first year it was just one head on the back of someone else's head. When Quirrell died, all that was left of the parasite was smoke. and last year I was faced with a teenager who came out of a diary and pretended to be Tom Riddle "
The men were still skeptical. Blacky chewed on Severus’s robe thoughtfully. Fortunately, he didn't notice that. he was far too bothered by what his student had just said.
"How do you come up with that right now?" He wanted to know then.
Harry sighed.
“I haven't told you the most important part of my memory yet. when the Avada ricocheted off my forehead, it hit Voldemort head-on. "
"Yes, we all know that, that's why you're so famous after all," the werewolf interrupted.
Harry gave his teacher a punishing look.
“Yes, but what nobody knows, the man went up in flames. His body turned to ashes. With his last words he still admired the power that destroyed him. When it was over there was a pile of ash next to my mother. there was no ghost or anything like that that would have tried to disappear. Nothing passed from Voldemort to me either. "
"Why should that have happened?" Severus wanted to know.
Harry grimaced.
“Because the director said so. he said that was the reason why I know Parseltongue. After all, only the descendants of Slytherin would be able to do that. "
Remus snorted.
“No, a lot of people can do it. It's a perfectly normal quality for wizards. seldom but nothing else. Similar to Metamorph, this is also innate. Either you can or you can't. "
Harry gave the man a big look.
"Then why does everyone think it's bad?"
"Because Voldemort could speak it.Severus answered the question.
It was the first time that he uttered the Lord's name without fear. Because what Harry said could only mean one thing. He was free. Never again would he have to go to this monster as a spy. even if the director tried to convince him that.
He stalled at this thought.

"Then who is responsible for the attacks of the last two years?"
Remus and Blacky looked at him in alarm.
"Someone who has access to school and wants everyone to think Voldemort would be back," Harry said matter-of-factly.
Severus didn't like that at all, because the boy's words made perfect sense. There weren't many who mourned the Lord. and those who did sat in Azkaban.
"Why would anyone want something like that?" He asked himself.
“Maybe to achieve other goals. if people still take the threat from the Death Eaters seriously, then there are a lot of things that can be enforced and say it is for safety, ”Harry mused.
"What do you mean by that?" The werewolf was completely overwhelmed at the moment.
the Potions Master, on the other hand, had a clue.
“When Voldemort was in power, he had promised many magical beings better living conditions if they would fight for him. The black magicians were also assured that they were allowed to act out their magic again without being punished. He also promised to modernize this country. "
Remus opened his eyes.
"These are all good arguments."
"Naturally. did you think he lured people into wanting to exterminate all muggleborns and muggles? He would never have got enough followers that way. Or do you think I'm so stupid? With the exception of a few madmen, no one would have agreed to do so. We need the Muggleborns otherwise we would die out. He didn't reveal these goals until later, when the guy's true madness became apparent. At the time almost everyone just wanted to leave, but it was already too late. "
Harry considered.
"Then is that right with the Imperius?"
Severus nodded.
"Yes, without that spell, Voldemort would have been almost alone very soon."

there was silence again.
Everyone had to process this information first. The big question remained. Who turned a fake Voldemort on people? Who went so far as to endanger even children? And why did he want to use Harry for that? it was very clear that it was about the boy. The attacks only started when he came to this school.
“How did he, whoever it is, do that with the basilisk? He should have been able to Parseltongue, ”Harry mused aloud.
severus shook his head.
“No, if what is said about the diary is true, it was just a memory from Voldemort. One that came to life with a spell. And of course Parseltongue could do it. besides, you couldn't talk to the snake. Is that right?"
The boy nodded.
"Yes, how do you know that?"
“The director couldn't keep his mouth shut again. With the new information from your memories, that finally makes sense. The animal was probably also from the diary. Otherwise she would have understood you. "
"Great, I was almost transported to the afterlife by the memory of a snake." Harry grumbled.
Remus got up.
“As exciting as that is, we should go back slowly. I still have a lot to do. I also want to avoid someone looking for us. "
The others agreed.

On the way back Harry thought of something else.
"If all of this is true, was it really my mother who saved me?"
The Gryffindor looked up at Severus pleadingly. He smiled.
“Not to the extent that I think the director leaned a little far out of the window.
there were always parents who had placed themselves in front of their child, but they didn't survive because of it.
I think it has to do with your immense magical power on the one hand and Lily's conscious sacrifice on the other. "
"Conscious?" Asked Remus.
“Yes, parents instinctively stand in front of their children to protect them, that's normal. But give them the chance to decide, then things will look different. as much as you love your child, most would choose their own life. Simply because they can't help it. That's why they love their children no less. but we humans have a natural instinct for self-preservation. Voldemort told Lily to move aside, he wouldn't let her hair down. But she made a conscious decision against it. she wanted to protect Harry with all the consequences. I think by doing this she helped Harry's magic. So he could survive. "
Harry now had tears in his eyes.
“Did she do it on purpose? What do you think?"
severus stopped and took the crying child in his arms.
“Your parents knew about your talent. I'm sure Lily didn't just act spontaneously. She and James must have discussed this option beforehand. your memories show that exactly. Your father gave Lily a head start even though he knew she couldn't escape. That only makes sense if the two had something planned. And that was clearly your survival. "
now the dams finally broke with Harry. All this his parents' actions made the two of them even greater heroes than he had previously thought. even though his father was so stupid to tell everyone about his son's power, he was so intelligent as to keep his son safe.
"I miss her," the boy whispered.
Severus hugged him even closer.
"I know." he didn't have to say more.

It took a while until they were back at Hagrid's hut. Harry tried to hide the traces of tears when he was greeted by the friendly giant.
When they had said goodbye to Blacky the three went back to the castle.
Harry considered how to tell his friends about the latest findings without the rat noticing. But he was sure to think of something.
in front of the gate he said goodbye to his teachers and went back to his tower.
His head full of thoughts and his heart overflowing with longing for his parents.

bat, grimm and the cat can fix it (Translation)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن