Chapter 2-A Prank by Peeves

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-Vyla's P.O.V.-

As I left the Room of Requirement, I heard my new friend, Brandon say something, except it wasn't as clear seeing as I got pretty far. "Ok, I will too. I have some letters to respond to." Brandon said as he sheathed his swords and sprinted toward the common.

I might be small, but it doesn't mean I don't walk fast, which is exactly what I did. I walked fast, heading for the Ravenclaw common room. Sadly, I did not know that the trouble making ghost, everyone knows, Peeves, was hiding behind a statue with a bucket of water, waiting for his next prank victim. I just so happened to be that unlucky person.

Peeves poured the water on me as I walked passed the statue, and I became soaked. I had let out a really loud yelp, from the shock of cold water being poured on me, but then I slipped on some water and screamed as I fell forward and ended up laying on the the floor, drenched and cold. I began cursing at Peeves under my breath. I mumbled something to myself just as someone had appeared. "If I die, the first thing I'm gonna do, is go after Peeves!"

-Brandon's quick P.O.V.-

I was sprinting toward the direction if the common room, when I heard a scream, to which I ran to where the scream came from. To my surprise, I had found Vyla, laying on the floor, soaking wet and cursing someone under her breath. I hauled Vyla to her feet. "You ok?" I had asked with some hint of concern. "Yeah. I'm fine, just cold from the water Peeves poured on me. I'm going on ahead.....and changing into some cozy clothes!" She responded.

-3rd person P.O.V.-

Vyla continued onward toward the common room, which she had reached, and upon entering after she answered a riddle, she immediately went to her dorm and changed into some nice, warm clothes.

Vyla grabbed a muggle book, called Twilight, and went back down to the common room, where she sat in front of the fire, laying down to read, and falling asleep. Brandon entered the room not long after and yawned. "Welp, I'm beat. Time to hit the hay." He said to himself, before going to his dorm, where he fell asleep.

A/n: I just want to say, I know this is a short chapter, but a variety of my chapters will typically be long. Also, coming up soon, I will start writing conversations a bit differently once I start bringing more characters in. 

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