Chapter 7-Having Lunch With the Deer!

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A/n: As I mentioned in a few chapters back, I'd said that I would start representing the characters a bit differently. I will start using parenthesis around the first letter or so, in a characters name. For example: (V), the V would stand for Vyla. This makes it easier on me in terms of conversation with a bunch of characters at once (plus it is kinda like how they would have a script XD). Also, I think I forgot to mention that Byleth in this, is male Byleth just so you know.

Vyla- (V)

Brandon- (B)

Anoki- (Ano)

Claude- (C)

Raphael- (R)

Leonie- (L)

Ignatz- (I)

Mercedes- (M)

Annette- (A)

Hilda- (H)

Lysithea- (Ly)

Sylvain- (S)

Edelgard- (Edel)

Lorenz- (Lo)

Byleth- (By)

Once I bring in more characters, I will make a list of how they are going to be represented btw.

-3rd point of view still-

Brandon spoke up after he got back with Leonie and Mercedes. "Getting to know each other? Great! I think we should all head to the dining hall and get some lunch. Do ya'll agree?" Vyla's stomach growled, making her become a little embarrassed. "I think my stomach says yes to that.", she laughed.

Raphael spoke up, "I'm always down for food!"(V) "Same!" Annette, who hadn't spoken much yet, finally spoke up, "Oh! Me and Mercie made sweets for everybody!"

(V) "I literally put a bunch of food in my bag, which it mainly consists of pockey." She pulled out a box of pockey and began to snack on it. Brandon laughed and spoke again, "To the dining hall it is! And Vyla, you will want to try Annette's and Mercedes's sweets. They are way better than any other candy I've ever had."

(V) "Is any of it chocolate....or dark chocolate?" (A and M) "Some of it." Vyla suddenly got really happy, "Yay!!!!" Brandon whispers to Anoki and Vyla, "Don't sit by Lorenz. He will flirt with you."

Everyone goes into the dining hall, orders their food, and sits down. Vyla ends up sitting by Ignatz, as well as some how feeling someone stare at her.

Brandon suddenly yells, "Sylvain! Leave the new people alone! They don't know how terrible if a person you are yet!" Sylvain responds, "Okay, okay, sheesh. Can't go anywhere near his friends still, huh?", he goes back to his table.

Upon hearing that, Vyla laughed. (B) "Sorry, he flirts with every girl that has a pulse. If I remember correctly, his record is 27 in one day. Oh! He also flirts with things that don't sometimes. Like once, he actually flirted with a scarecrow." (V) "If he flirted with me, I would have either punched him, or kicked him where it hurts. And that is pretty funny."

(B) "Oh, before I left, I kneed him in the gut, and threatened him if I hear anything of him flirting with my friends, except for Hilda, who uses his flirting to manipulate him to do jobs for her." (V) "Ok, now I think I should keep this tactic in mind." (B) "True, because of this, she can be lazy." Vyla laughed at this.

(C) "Oh! Brandon, how long will you be here?" Brandon turned his attention to Claude, "Two weeks, why?" (C) "Then you will be here both, for the mission, and the White Heron Ball." (B) "Can't wait to raid the snack bar while everyone else dances. But I will support Hilda with the white Heron cup."

Vyla and Anoki were confused. (V) "White heron ball? What's that?" (Ano) "White heron cup?" (B) "An annual ball where students and staff have fun and dance. It seems likely that because I'm here, my parents are going to send me a letter and make me dance with at least 4 different people, but I can hope they won't."

(V) "That's an odd thing for parents to do in my opinion. " (B) "You would be surprised. It happens to most students here. The white heron cup is a dance contest before the ball, with one person from each house representing in the ball. Claude told me our representative this year is Hilda. the Back eagles representative is Dorothea, and the blue lions rep is Ashe. I thought it would be ether Mercedes or Annette for blue lions, but apparently not."

(M) "Me and Annie were transferred. We're officially Golden deer now!"

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