Vyla and Brandon's introduction.... Vyla- "Nice to meet ya'll. Enjoy the story!"

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 -Vyla's point of view-

Hello, my name is Vyla Suchi. There are a lot of things about me that are neat, like how I own my own broom, or how I own a phoenix. But, this is not just my story, it's my friends, who live in Fodlan, their story as well. Let me tell a little bit about myself first.

First of all, I'm a half blood. My mom is a pure blood witch, named Ari Suchi, well her maiden name is Meruda. She is a famous singer in the muggle world, but she is a famous auror in the wizarding world. I plan on becoming an auror like her. (Quick a/n: after the 5 year time skip, she is an auror. Just letting you all know!) She married my dad, Tyler Suchi. He is a muggle however, he was more than excited to have married a witch. He is a famous muggle writer and sadly, not a very good cook.....though that allowed me to learn how to cook at a young age.

I really love drawing and singing.....and making puns when possible. I can get a little overprotective of my friends sometimes. My closest friends, are Brandon, Leonie, and maybe Ignatz and Claude. If I am standing next to Leonie and Brandon, I look like an ant compared to them. I'm only 4"11 1/2.

The pros of my personality are that I'm kind, loveable, brave, nature-loving, helpful. The cons of my personality are that I'm also a little over protective, and sometimes reckless. There are times where I can be shy though.

My hobbies include drawing, reading, practicing magic and flying my broom, hanging out with my friends, being outside, playing video games, watching anime, playing music, dancing, singing, and swordfighting. My likes include music, anime, my friends and family, ramen, sushi, definitely pockey, curry, and swordfighting. My dislikes include shrimp, bullies, seeing those I care about get hurt, and spiders.

My fears, from biggest to smallest, are fear itself, losing my friends and family, and spiders. My boggart, is seeing those I care about, get hurt really bad. I have a pet phoenix, which her name is Amaterasu after the Japanese sun goddess.

My wand type is pine, with a Phoenix feather core, 13 3/4,and a pliant flexibility. Here is what it means for pine. The straight-grained pine wand always chooses an independent, individual master who may be perceived as a loner, intriguing and perhaps mysterious. Pine wands enjoy being used creatively, and unlike some others, will adapt unprotestingly to new methods and spells. Many wand makers insist that pine wands are able to detect, and perform best for, owners who are destined for long lives, and I can confirm this in as much as I have never personally known the master of a pine wand to die young. The pine wand is one of those that is most sensitive to non-verbal magic.

My patronus is a fox, though it used to he a bloodhound, while my animagus form, is a stag. That's all about me folks. Your turn Brandon!

(A/n: the broom in the picture I made, is what her broom, Crystal star looks like, also her broom is the only broom of its sort!)

-Brandon's P.O.V.-

My name is Brandon Chorda Emerald. I am from Fodlan, and because of that, I don't need a wand to perform magic. My best friend is Leonie Penneli. I'm a muggleborn with the power over a weird force called the rage awakened. My lack of blood status or a crest has made life difficult. I make friends easily, but have a temper problem (thing thing that boosts my strength is called rage awakened for a reason). After school, I'm going to head back to Fodlan to my friends Raphael, Leonie, and Lysithea, and Become a mercenary. It's really weird how my power lets me channel magic through muggle weapons, such as swords, bows, and spears. I hope to learn magic so I can help Leonie get out of debt and help Raphael secure a good life for his little sister. I have a pet wyvern (wyvern not dragon. I'm not a criminal) and a pet rabbit. the name of the wyvern is Philip and the name of the rabbit is Nemesis, the dark king.

My appearance is 5"8, brown hair and brown eyes, slightly tan skin. I usually wear a hoodie, a tan vest, black pants, and black gloves. (A/n: After the 5 years, he has a braid on the left side of his face.) I also usually have a sword strapped to my hip.

My patronus is a rabbit. My personality, consists of me being extroverted, with a fondness of sweets, animals, and my friends back home. My fears, from biggest to smallest, are my friends dying, loneliness, and small places. My likes are my friends, the feeling of adrenaline, adventure, talking to people, and animals. My dislikes are mint, Sylvain, people hurting my friends, the idea of working at a desk. My boggart is Leonie falling off her pegasus, after getting shot by an arrow.

My favorite food are Gronder Meat Skewers. My hobbies are sword practice and dueling, archery, free run parkour, eating, caring for animals, learning. That's all about me!

-Vyla and Brandon-

Well.....that's all. Let's get on with the story shall we!?

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