Chapter 3- Meeting a Wyvern and Planning for Fodlan

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-3rd P.O.V.-

Brandon woke up and went downstairs, to find his new friend, Vyla, awake and well. She was currently reading her book. It was more of a silent atmosphere in the common room currently, until Brandon spoke up. "Morning", he said. This made Vyla look up from her book, "Huh? Oh hi Brandon! Morning to you as well."

Outside the common window, a wyvern flew up to it, and roared, which caught Brandon's attention. "Oh hey Philip." The wyvern had also caught Vyla's attention as well. "What is that creature?" She asked, having a soft spot for most creatures. She always got along well with most animals for some reason.

"Oh Philip? He is my wyvern and before you ask, no he is not a dragon." Brandon answered. "Ooh....I've never seen a wyvern before! This is truly a fascinating sight!" She said, a little excitement in her voice.

-Vyla's P.O.V-

I watched the, wyvern, as Brandon called it, in amazement. I always had a soft spot for animals. Especially ones you don't see often, such as a phoenix, which I own a baby phoenix, named Amaterasu.

"Wow! No other words. Just wow...." I said as I watched Brandon opened the window, and untie a letter from Philip's leg.

-3rd P.O.V-

"How did you get one?", Vyla asked, curiosity in her voice. "They are actually very common in Fodlan. This guy has been with me for five years now.", Brandon responded. "That's really neat!" She replied.

"It is rare for a pure white wyvern to be born, but supposedly, one was just born in Riegan territory, which gets me worried about my visions.", Brandon said, while opening the letter. "Visions?", Vyla asked curiously.

-Brandon's P.O.V-

"Never mind about it....", I said. "What exactly is Fodlan?" Vyla asked. "Fodlan is my home country. It still uses the noble system. For example, the Reigan territory is part of the Riegan family. Claude is a part of the Riegan family. He always dies riding a pure white wyvern in my visions.", I explained to Vyla.

"While we are on the topic of Fodlan, there is a week off next week and I'm being called home, to deal with a situation back home. Apparently the Merchants traveling from Glouster territory to Riegan territory are being attacked by giant wolves, and my class has been assigned to take them down. That was the letter the wyvern was carrying. Claude was asking If I could come assist. You want to join me?", I asked Vyla.

-Vyla's P.O.V.-

"Gladly!", I responded to Brandon. It would be neat to go to another country. I pulled out a box of pockey, and snacked on it as I went back to my book, falling asleep on the couch again.

-Brandon's P.O.V-

I sat down and began to sing quietly, after Vyla fell asleep, again.

"You are an ocean of waves
Weaving a dream
Like thoughts, become a river stream
Yet may the tide ever change
Flowing like time
To the path, yours to climb

Thou seek the light
With an outstretched hand
A divine blade lies before you
So command the wake of dreams
To restore the world, cut 'way the seams

Join in our prayer, in our song
Of birthrights and love
Come the sun, illuminate the sky
Pray that we may quell the dark
Light take the throne
Lost in thoughts, all alone

You are an ocean of waves
Weaving a dream
Like thoughts become a river stream
Yet may the tide ever change
Flowing like time
To the path yours to claim

Thou seek the dark
With an un-sheathed blade
Now a white ivory throne beckons
So obtain the fate you sow
On this path be wary friend and foe

Join in the tale, in the blight
Of conquest and lies
Come the sun, to tarnish in the sky
Vow that we shall tear the light
Dark seize the throne
Lost in thoughts, all alone

May thy chosen path lead way
And grace you with virtue
But surely a balance awaits
So be it bliss or pain you gain
Beyond the route-way's end
You'll gain resilience and weakness
The trials, the thorn in your side
Becomes the greatest strength, in you

Descend into the abyss thou see
Where the hearts of many wander
Quietly, they wish and weave
Placing home inside their one pure dream

After the storm stills its wake
May all be blessed
So the fate and fallen can find rest
Your will, the water reflects
So all will know
Your hands brought the morrow

You are an ocean of waves
Weaving a dream
Like thoughts become a river stream
Yet may the tide ever change
Flowing like time
To the path yours to climb

You are an ocean of waves"

Time skip to the night they leave.

-Vyla's P.O.V-

"I'm going to go get changed into an outfit better suited for me to fight in!", I said to Brandon, before heading to my dorm. I got out my outfit that I was going to wear, grabbed my satchel bag, which I put a charm on it, so I could put as much stuff I felt as possible. I liked this bag, since there was a pocket on/in it, the perfect size for my wand. I also grabbed my swords, which were in the sheaths, and used magic so the sheathes formed an X shape, on my back.

My outfit consisted of a Pink tank top, which I wore an orange jacket over that. I had on a pair of gray shorts. My boots, were in a way, not really my preferred footwear you could say, but they were a mix of a light blue color, with a pale lilac, creating a neat purple gray color and the pale lilac. In all honesty, I don't run as well in boots and tennis shoes. Especially boots, but I'm still fast. You put me in a pair of sandals, or let me be barefoot though, its pretty much like you won't know what hit ya.

After I got dressed, I proceeded to pack my bag, which consisted of, don't blame me, a lot of pockey, stuff to make small but delicious meals like Ramen if needed, treats for Amaterasu, broom polish for my broom, Crystal Star, my wand, some muggle books I Iike to read, my sketch book as well as pencils to draw and color with, and some extra clothes, which included an outfit for anything formal like.

I put my purse on, then my swords, grabbed my broom and whistled for Amaterasu, which the baby phoenix came flying to me and sat on my shoulder, and I walked back to the common room. "I'm ready! And I see you are as well!", I said to Brandon.

-3rd P.O.V-

Vyla entered the common room, all ready to go, just like Brandon. He wore a dark blue hoodie, tan vest, black jeans, dark grey ankle boots, and a belt with two sword sheathes. The two headed down to the Quidditch pitch, which is where the two decided, the night before, they would launch off and fly toward Fodlan.

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